Orin joined the charge along with Hector, leading the group with their large forms acting as battering rams as in unison they lifted their legs and kicked the magically sealed door off of its hinges, sending the two large pieces of wood flying across the room and slamming into four of the enemy. Hector was like a machine as he plowed into the enemy, only spurring the rest of the group on, including Orin as he formed chains around his arms and charged into melee combat with a bunch of so called fighting wizards. The battle was intense, even Orin which made himself what was basically a tank was getting stuck in with how many there were around him. During the fighting he backked up to gain some footing and ended up bumping into Akira. "Huh?" HE looked him over for a moment, ignoring the many guys pelting his armored back with magic, it seemingly not even effecting him in the least."Odd. You don't have a tattoo?" Was it hidden? Was he just another bad guy? No wait he saw him at the bar, now he remembered. Slamming a fist into his palm he spoke confidently "Ah, your that guy with super speed right?" Completely missed the mark... - At that moment a low rumbling could be heard coming from under everyone's feet, and suddenly some of the people in the back of the hall went flying into the air! Some of the people panicked as a huge stage rose in front of the main doors that lead into the guild masters room. "M-Miss Marie! Please don't start the show, we can't handle them. We promise!" Suddenly part of the floor raised, showing off hidden speakers separate from the stages. Through the smoke the shadowy figure spun in place before flicking her hand out in a violent dance move. In a loud BOOM! The sound wave from the speaker sent the random mage and many of his freinds slamming into the wall on the other side of the room, nearly clipping Sam and Kaldis in the process. "Fool~ I am the only that decides when the show starts. And I say it starts right here, right now!~" Motioning out her arms the entire rooms walls, floor and ceiling moved as if a wave, showing off hundreds of hidden speakers. "You are playing within my showroom now darlings~ You have not a chance to get by me and bother mister Axcel." Orin was just about to prove her wrong when suddenly a small plain paper doll slipped out of his coat and stood on his shoulder. The voice of Beatrix was clearly coming from it and rather loudly too. "Don't be foolish... If you all attack her you may be falling right into their trap. There are two hallways that lead from here and circle around to the Guild Masters room, if you continue to fight here and wear yourselves out the others will just turn up and deal with you then... Some of you may have to stay here to deal with her directly while the rest split up an-," Suddenly the paper was blown apart by a pin point sound wave, almost unheard "What a clever thing... It doesn't matter what you do however, as the others will deal with you anyway~"