(First two parts are memories so they will be in italics, they will also be in first person, her words will also be emboldened.) [u]What happens in Vegas...[/u] [i]This was the day I was allowed out, the day of my departure, a one way ticket to the Institution was mine. I ran upstairs as my mother and father tried to find clothes that fit me, I hadn't gone out in the longest time and my father always bought me things that were either small or baggy. It was so sunny upstairs, beautiful birds made their calls outside of the window. Sights and sounds I hadn't seen since I was six were coming back to me, it was all so perfect! Once they had finished their search for clothes we hopped into my father's red camaro and started on our way, it was a silent ride but I didn't mind because I was able to watch the nature from outside of my window. Lucas laughed at me but he understood how desperately I needed this, he was one of the only ones that knew how much it meant not being locked up in the pretty cage called the basement. We soon arrived, as we walked through the airport they made sure I got food and even bought me a few nice things, a leather book-bag, some jewelery, a new, shiny red camera with all of my old pictures in it, they even presented to me my first phone as we arrived at the security gate. I watched them with a small smile on my face, surprised by the expressions they wore, no matter how soft. They looked...sad? I guess they did, their daughter was leaving and going to some Institution even though her powers were out of whack and she could hurt someone at any second. Or maybe it was just a small feeling of sadness, like your child leaving for college sadness. That was a downer. I shook my head and walked over to my mother, she had her arms open and yet, I couldn't do it, I couldn't hug her. She was the one that had locked me up, I just shook my head and walked passed her, I knew that she was now saddened in full. That was when I turned back and gave her a nice, snug one armed hug and a small handshake. I had too, she was my mother. "[b]Bye, Mom. I'll call you or something.[/b]" Then I turned and left. Next was my brother, he didn't have time to open his arms, I practically ran into him. We gave each other a small bear hug and a nice smile that fit the situation, though his had an undertone of unexpected sadness, I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged opening his mouth to say, "I just can't believe you get to go first, maybe I'll see you there? Don't forget, I'm turning the basement into a man cave. Oh, and remember what I said." With a smirk that suggested all sadness was gone. I rolled my eyes and sighed slightly. "[b]Right, I know your plans. Bye Lucas.[/b]" I then turned to face my father. He was a kind man but I gave him no sympathy, he was hurt when I told him off for not taking care of me. We even had a small argument, it was almost time for my flight when it was all over. It was a sad case but I still felt no pity for him, yet I couldn't help it and gave him a handshake, even a pat on the shoulder to tell him no hard feeling. When I thought it over though, the harshness still played in my mind and made me smile. After everything was said and done I left, taking my luggage and passing the security gates, they called out their goodbyes but I didn't listen, pushing forward through the numerous people about to depart after their weeks on the Strip. A final smile and a look at the giant craft about to take me away, that was my best memory of Sin City. Before I boarded the plane I made a stop at the dumpster outside of it, ripping up photos and tossing memorabilia. That had been our deal, he had told me to forget and now I would. When all was done I smiled and went on my way to the plane, last of all taking the sim card from my camera and placing it in my bag. Only new photos would be allowed. "[b]What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.[/b]" I murmur, people around me do the same. Though they aren't serious, they giggle and laugh while i keep a straight face, I had made my own promises that I would surely keep.[/i] [u]Landing[/u] [i]As I stepped off the plane my smile grows wide and bright, this was all so new! It was all so vivid, the air felt nice and fresh, the people were simple and dashing, the cars drove down the roads in a manner that seemed different, maybe I was exaggerating but it was all so different! She was in New York! I looked around quickly and entered a shop with a small sigh, the manager seemed to notice me and waved me over, she was a pretty girl that appeared to be in her early thirties. "Do you need something dear? You look lost." She asked, I just shook my head and cleared my throat. "[b]I need a taxi.[/b]" I murmured, the lady understood and started a call as I exited and waited for the cab to arrive. A small cab with advertisements sprawled all over the interior arrived to pick me up, i gulped and gripped my bag, walking inside of the taxi cab and sighing a bit. Giving the rough looking driver the address he grunted and started on the way. Looking in my book-bag I saw the money my mother had given me, it appeared that she had slipped a credit card in there as well. Why had I been so mean to them? It had been seemingly forever before we arrived.[/i] [center][u][b][i]Morena Silicus; The Arrival[/b][/u][/i][/center] Morena arrived at the institution in a small, cheap taxi cab that had taken her here from the shop, that made her remember the nice lady. She paid the man and smiled at him, he took her baggage from the trunk and set it on the ground before leaving her, standing there, slightly alone, on the grass in the courtyard. [i]I'm here! I did it! No more basements![/i] She thought, looking at the other students she smiled slightly and brushed off her clothing, the outfit was one for leisure , a pretty white cotton blouse with buttons that matched her simple, blue grey eyes, she also wore a simple pair of low-rise blue jeans, with some combat boots, okay maybe it wasn't for leisure yet it all felt soft against her skin. With a small sigh and that same, relaxed smile. She stepped inside of the Institution. Looking around her smile became more bright and her eyes seemed to spark, this place seemed very nice to her, it wasn't as dark and damp as the basement, it was way brighter...and louder, then her old home. She enjoyed it. And after searching around for awhile she would know each and every corner of this seemingly endless place. Avoiding others she started walking around with some sort of purpose. Then she was stopped, by what seemed like a faculty member, the man handed her a leather chain with some strange crystals on it. He then handed her a small journal, and a fountain pen. All of these gifts were nice but she didn't know why she had them. He handed her two pamphlets, then a schedule and went on his way. [i]That was strange.[/i] She thought as she looked at her blank booklet and her two guides. How would she ever get used to this? Whatever, the point was to just carry on and find her way. Continuing forward through the crowd she looked at her schedule and smiled, then she looked at the two pamphlets. One had something to do with her items and one with some sort of welcome attached. With a shrug she started to read. Maybe she would find something interesting hidden inside of this two page book of knowledge.