[quote=PoisonLilies] I don't know who Matt Bomer is. Andrew Garfield he was the new spider-man right? [/quote] [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/0a3fff6264b2073695dbf45f423c4ffc/tumblr_mh3w6pBlhG1qavk8fo1_500.gif] Every word is a dagger to my heart. But, Matt Bomer is on [i]White Collar[/i], plays a role in [i]Magic Mike[/i], and is in the upcoming HBO Original (?) [i]The Normal Heart[/i], which is the movie version of the play. And yes, Andrew Garfield is Peter Parker in the recent [i]Amazing Spider-man[/i] movies. [img=http://static.tumblr.com/fsqkpcd/8lqlu6kmi/tumblr_lrchk7zhjq1qjgseuo1_500.gif] He was also in [i]The Social Network[/i]. They both have majestic as fuck hair.