[quote=Headphones] Again with the "Shin Megami Tensei" thing. I've only played "Devil Survivor 1" and I haven't even finished the whole thing (although I know what's going to happen in the end). This is not a copy, if that was what you meant. This is completely my own idea. As for the balance, it's surprising that we are currently very well balanced. And yes, there is still room. However, everyone, I would like to start this weekend, so I would like you to finish up your sheets. I will also do my part in completing my own character's "History" section. So, lets get ready~ The game is about to start~ [/quote] Haha I know that too the messages reminds me of Laplace Mail and also the fact that Devil Survivor is also Shin Megami Tensei but it's not that you copied Shin Megami Tensei