[quote=Wriggle] Oohh ^-^ Awesome. Maybe we can have like....little tabs that you know...tell everyone the characters ages so they can see who they'd mostly be in class with. [/quote] That'll be a part of the character sheet, and I do add grade levels to the OP in the OOC. And the social classes. [quote=Ex] I think Eliza should start with a boyfriend this time, maybe. I dunno. It would be great if we started a little later into the year, so I don't just reuse my old posts :P [/quote] I dunno, thinking of starting at the beginning, completely skipping over pre-school things and just opening the RP with the first day of school. EDIT [quote=Sixsmith] Oh, is that why? OR ARE YOU JUST JEALOUS?I WONDER HOW RALEIGH IS, EX. OH THAT'S RIGHT, WE DON'T KNOW BECAUSE WE NEVER DID THE IN BETWEEN THROUGH THE NEXUS OF PURGATORY HEIGHTS. WHERE THEY SOMEHOW ESTABLISHED A STRONG BOND AND RELATIONSHIP THAT SARA IS TOTES MAGOTES JELLY OF.Jelly Sara is jelly. Where is Lia? She would be angry right nao and jelly that Lily is Raleigh's bestest friend. [/quote] Hae, do you not realize how scary it can seem to other people o_o it's already hard to jump into an RP where everyone knows each other. Do you know how awkward I felt in Blue Bloods because you all knew each other? D: If you have to talk about it, at least make sure everyone's acquainted with each other first!