Kaldis flailed about wildly as he was dragged along by the flying woman, who was actually stating to try and get the cane off of her waist; even if he couldn't pull her down all the way like this, Kaldis' weight was still throwing her balance off. Of course, Kaldis discovered in that moment his very easily brought on air-sickness, and his face started to turn pale as he was dragged along, at this point he might as well have just been dead weight as she flew along, trying to shake him off. The Flying woman eventually succeeded, as the shepard's cane shattered from the force of the sound waves now assaulting the room from the very loud woman's stage, and with the cane broken, Kaldis simply dropped to the floor, clutching his stomach while kneeling on the floor, trying desperately not to vomit as he sat there. Standing up while still clutching his stomach, he got a good look at the new speakers and stage in the room, the stage was blocking the stairs they needed to go up to get to the boss of the guild, looked like they'd need to get past her to- Before he could even take a step towards the stage he heard the voice of Beatrix coming from Orin's direction, mentioning that there were two other hallways to where they needed to go. A bit of color returned as he tried to approach one of the hallways without attracting too much attention to himself, as stealthy as a kid with antlers could be.