[b]"Absolute Bolt!"[/b] Akira sliced the air in front of him using his katana, launching several lightning bolts and throwing back a significant few wizards. It was difficult, but he was holding his own in battle. It seemed a member of Serpents Dagger considered Akira a proper opponent, as he began charging through the crowd towards him wielding two daggers that glowed with an aura of magic. Their weapons clashed in the middle of the chaos, and fortunately the wizard had overestimated his skill with daggers, Akira made very short work of him, eventually disarming him and knocking him in the back of the head with the hilt of his katana, causing him to fall over unconscious. He smiled, proud of his progress so far, he wasn't officially a member of Azure Dragon, but he certainly felt like one. As he stood there admiring his work, he was knocked slightly forward from behind, and quickly turned around with caution only to see it was Orin. It looked like the big guy had no idea who he was, and Akira remembered that he kind of didn't. He questioned whether he should deal with the wizards blasting Orin with magic, but he seemed like he didn't care, he probably didn't even notice. Impressive. [b]"Odd. You don't have a tattoo?"[/b] Orin asked, slightly confused. Akira gave a small, nervous laugh and hoped he wasn't about to get his face bashed in, he didn't really feel like a member anymore. [b]"Ah, your that guy with super speed right?"[/b] Akira oddly paused for a moment, pondering, but then gave a sigh of relief, rubbing the back of his head while speaking. [b]"Uh, yeah! Haha, I am. I didn't really get the chance to properly intr-"[/b] He was interrupted as the ground began to shake and rumble. A stage unfortunately rose from the ground, blocking the entrance to the Guildmasters room. The girl from earlier that blasted the Guild Hall with her magic stood right at center stage, even more unfortunate. Akira looked to Orin and was about to ask what tactics would be best to deal with this, when a paper doll jumped out of his coat pocket and onto his shoulder. As it began to talk, it was obvious this was Beatrix giving orders to the Guildmembers. She wasn't lying when she said she'd be watching everybody. [b]"Don't be foolish... If you all attack her you may be falling right into their trap. There are two hallways that lead from here and circle around to the Guild Masters room, if you continue to fight here and wear yourselves out the others will just turn up and deal with you then... Some of you may have to stay here to deal with her directly while the rest split up an-,"[/b] Suddenly the paper was blown apart by a pin point sound wave, almost unheard. Akira didn't take a moment to hesitate and dashed to the hallway on his right. He gripped his sheathed katana, preparing himself for any type of surprise attacks the Guild Hall's could conjure. --- Measha punched, kicked, and blasted his way through the sea of Serpents Dagger Wizards. All types of magic being thrown everywhere, he had taken quite a few blasts but nothing that did too much damage. The past few minutes were a blur of non-stop fighting for Measha, his fists and feet were fire hot and glowed red, something that had never happened to him before. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he took on three Wizards at once, jabbing the first one, twice in the chest and once in the head, then jumped on his shoulders, launching off of him and tackling the second to the ground, slamming his fist fiercely into the wizards temple only once, knocking him unconscious before the third cast a beam of light right for Measha, who jumped, dodging the beam and simultaneously firing four fireballs from his hands and feet as he spun with agility in the air, all four fireballs connecting and knocking the third to the floor. As Measha landed, the first wizard seemed to still be standing as he was charging towards him from behind, his entire left arm engulfed in steel. Measha merely side-stepped, grabbing his collar as the mage ran past him and pulled him right into his flaming fist. He fall to the floor, unconscious. Measha looked up, eager for more action, but realized the other Wizards seemed to have noticed the damage he was doing, as he was now surrounded by at least 10 of them. He looked around as his confidence began to drain, all 10 of them seemed to be casting different spells. He was completely surrounded and was going to be blasted from all over, Measha's mind was racing as he pondered a solution, but it was too late. All 10 wizards simultaneously casted their spells and were aiming directly for Measha. Without thinking he immediately closed his eyes and clapped his hands together. If one had been watching the situation it would have looked like Measha exploded, fire burst from all over his body and engulfed the area around him, the 10 wizards were blown away. As the flames faded Measha stood in the center of the explosion, untouched and practically steaming. He looked at his glowing, fire red hands with wonder, [b]"What, what did I just freaking do?"[/b] Measha recalled a moment from earlier, when he saw the pizza loving Wind Mage fly through the air and clap his hands together, forming tornadoes. He laughed as he closed his hands, fire engulfing his fists. He felt unstoppable. Suddenly the area began shaking as a stage arose from the ground in front of two huge doors. The very moment Measha laid eyes on the speakers appearing everywhere he knew who they were dealing with now. The girl from earlier, with the magic box, stood at center stage, and blew away her fellow mages. He was about to charge at her when Beatrix's voice could be heard throughout the Guild Hall, giving instructions. He knew this room was now very dangerous, but he didn't want to run. As Measha took a second to observe the area, he saw Hector standing amongst fallen Serpents Dagger Wizards. He and another seemed like they would be the ones to take on the girl. Measha was confident in their ability, and immediately sprinted to the hallway on the right.