"Tiberious, are you all set to leave?," a raspy voice screeched from outside TIber's room, followed by several harsh coughs. "Of course old man," Tiberious scoffed as a hunched over figure entered the room. "Don't you speak to me like...," before he could finish Tiberious stepped into the old man's face. "Or what... You need me more than I need you." Tiber's surprising connection to The Beyond has led to a great deal of information about it and what it's uses could be. "... Oh, you are just like your Master... I did not come here to fight with a youngin'," "Then what did you come for, to wish me luck?," he spat at the old man, pushing him aside as he head for the door. But the door swung shut as a gush of energy flowed by him. "I came here to inform you of our plans." Tiberious turned to stare the old man down. "There is more to this voice than most think. I believe something big is about to happen and it may shape the world." The old man began to cough again, sounding like a lung could come up at any moment. "We are so close, The Beyond is calling me. Wants me to return." This surprised Tiber. "I thought you were not able to anymore?" he questioned the old man. "I believed so, but our recent test may have proved otherwise. I have to return, they are waiting for me, and I have to find what was once found and get revenge for what those paladin bastards did..." [i]So, the old man's test is about ready. Crazy old fool. I don't know what he found, but everyone who knows of The Beyond knows that prolong exposure can have terrible side effects. There is no way he found sometime so...[/i] The old man jabbed Tiberious in the ribs, snapping him out of thought. "Listen boy, this is important. This is not just babble of a old man. I found something many year ago and our research is helping proof what I found..." The old man took a few seconds to cough up something that did not look like the human body could produce. "Gro," the old man cut him off, "LISTEN... All these tests, these missions, have finally led to something. But we need conformation. That is where the captured paladin comes into play. I can speak no more of it till you return. Send a message once you learn anything." Coughing on his way out, the old man stopped at the door. "I know you detest me, but we need each other. We are one of few who can truly connect to The Beyond...," the old man paused, "I will tell you the reason why your Master chose to follow me when you return." With that, the old man shuffled out the room. [i]Crazy old hag... But It would be nice to know why Master ever listened to him.[/i] The road to The Black Forest was an uneventful one for Tiberious. The most excitement came from passing through a town and seeing a man crawl out of the forest, begging for help. He looked like Death was knocking at his door, waiting patiently for him to open. [i]Only the strong deserve to live.[/i] Tiber continued on his way, letting whatever fate had in store for the man to take place. From a distance, it looked like any other forest, with large, lushes trees towering over the large plain that sat in front of Tiberious. "Wow," the word just slipped out of his month. "No wonder my Master never wanted me to come here, the magic in that place. It is overwhelming." There was indeed reason to fear this place. The magic energy that could be felt this far away, it was staggering. "The old man was right, something big indeed was about to unfold... And change this world as we know it."