Hector was in a blurr... these wizards were not tough at all, he was fighting at least 7 at the same time at any given time. His punches and kicks where precise and strong...often breaking bones with a single hit....mainly aiming for the knee caps or elbows or even shoulders. He came to the point where he was even using two men as his personal weapons. He really didnt even need to use his magic at this time. Pitty, But finally he cleared the men around him and heard what Beatrix said through her paper...thing. Dropped the two men like a sack of potatos and heard what the red head samurai said. He then agreed with what he said and turned when he heard his codenamed yelled. He noticed the kid from before who joined moments before he did. He asked hector if he was going to make him deal with the girl all by himself. He looked at the woman and back at the kid then back at the woman. The samurai had mentioned he wasnt a kid and jumped on the stage.... and asked the woman on a date. He must say he didnt see that coming as a tactic. He looked back at the kid and said, 'Yeah! Dont worry though" he motioned to Lach. " It seems lover boy has it under control!" he turned around and grabbed his sword and swung it onto his shoulder" Im going after the guild master!" He noticed another samurai run to the right hall and he took the left. Orin would probably follow him or the other he didnt care though. But suddenly Elliot popped up infront of him "OOooooo no you dont... your not gunna have all the fun to yourself! I'm going with you! And you cant say anything to stop me!" As she smiled and turned with fire erupting from her body as she sprinted for the left. Hector Growled and chased after her. "she is going to be an eternal thorn in my side..."