Sam stood back up and picked up the spear, he still hadn't had a chance to try it out. It was infused with awe and inspiration, that had to do something powerful, albeit temporary. Might as well use it to cut a path to the stage. Sam liked the idea of seeing the sonic girl up closer. With vigor he ran. Past the broken berserkers, past Measha. "I'm in!" He shouted at Measha, he crabbed a small spherical red vial ((OOC: it's a healing potion)) and handed it to him in passing. "For emergencies! Hope you won't need it!" Sam leaped forward, the spear's light leaving a sharp white trail in the air. With skill and precision far beyond his own capabilities he landed the spear into the first wizard in his way. Pulling back and immediately lunging forward to the next enemy, again and again. Sam got into a trance, as if the spear was moving on it's own. Swaying from side to side, narrowly he dodged magics he didn't even see coming. Steadily he made his way trough the thinning crowd of wizards. Swinging the spear around he felt lighter and more energetic than ever, he hadn't even noticed the damage he was taking left and right. "Moshpit!" Sam cackled, jumping from someone's shoulder onto someone's face and bouncing into a group of caster's trying to do a magic circle. Al the while swiping the spear in circles over his head, drawing circles in the sky. Once he busted trough he ended up on the edge of the stage, in front of Marie. He took a breath and processed the pain coming from the many cuts, burns and bruises. He rapidly downed a potion and sighed with relief as he felt the pain flow away. Much better. With the spear leaning on his shoulder he stood up, a quick glace to see where Hector and Measha were. He turned back to Marie. "Hello. My name is Sam, I..." He only just noticed Latch. The samurai had beaten him to the punch. "Damnit.." Sam sat down with his legs folded and the spear on the ground in front of him. A bored look on his face as he decided to wait and see what happened.