[quote=TimasheTiger] Oh, please do go on.(aka a Black Rock Shooter rip-off) Which are currently...how many players? Two or three? That is if you count our scary clown friend, which I will get back to you about that at some point.Nowadays, its not that hard to connect to other nations and countries via the internet. Even now, as we speak, millions of minds are connecting to each other via the internet, even what we are doing right now is connecting our minds.Currently you have been proven one on one of your points, so to correct you, my character lacks many things, which I will soon prove wrong to you as well.I never said he was an optician, just following the path, and I'm actually gonna stop here and educate you on this. It is not impossible for a young adult to take a job at...let's say any lenscrafters, get hired and somewhere along the line, ask management about registering with the government, in my case, the state, and get an apprenticeship license. Depending on what your government's rules for qualifying as an optician are, in my case, 3 years and 3000 work hours, you can then take a test and receive your license. My mom started at age 15, guess who became an optician at 18?Go on.That's because I intentionally made it not fit with black rock shooter and technically his name is only half human. While Aloros is a traditional Babylonian name, Adad is the name of the Macedonian god of storms, and honestly dude, it shouldn't even matter what his name is, its a roleplay, you should be allowing at least some room for creative freedom. As for the extent of his powers, clearly if you did not understand the line where he picks up a sword, made from a nuetron star folded upon itself 1000 times (literally the densest thing in the universe next to a black hole), through sheer willpower, then you clearly don't know how strong he is. As for the fire and water, should I have said that he can create flaming shockwaves from his sword? How every time he hits something it sounds like a cannon going off? Should I have said that he can split the red sea with a single swipe of his sword?Food for thoughtP.S. In case you didn't know, likes/dislikes are literally a sub point of a human's personality, I see nothing wrong in Faygote's character sheet. [/quote] You, sir, are epic. xD Even Chuck Norris couldn't have topped that off lmfao. I salute you. And with that, I must say that I am now going to depart with this Rp seeing that the fixation for the characters isn't to my liking and is very one sided. Plus, I must say that I am insulted due to the fact that my character was based off of myself, and it has been implied that my character was either worthless or shouldn't be real. Well I am real, I am not worthless, I AM obsessed with evil clowns, and I am a Lette. Whoop whoop! So with that, I leave you!