Zhi continued walking, thinking about the new Avatar and what to think about the person. Losing focus every once in a while due to one of the members looking back at something, she didn't pay it any mind. She knew if something was up then she could figure it out, but nothing looked too bad, so she stayed silent with her eyes forward and mouth shut. Just as she was about to become lost in thought again, and familiar voice rang in her ears, "So what's up with the gathering? Something important happened right?" it was Rayn, she didn't have to look at him to know that. She knew the voice from a job they did together a ways back, she figured that's what the member was looking at. He was probably walking up towards them, looking back about to answer, opening her mouth she closed it as she glanced at the girl he was with. Ok, she guessed [I]they[/I] were walking up. He blinked a few times then looked back at Rayn, thinking it through in about a second. She knew she didn't want most people to know she was with the White Lotus, no real reason, she just didn't want to. She wouldn't discuss important matters around someone she didn't know, for all she knew the girl could be a spy, but that was paranoia due to her being a mole in most cases. She couldn't mention the Avatar due to members of gangs being around, or Rogue benders. They all were [I]everywhere[/I] and she didn't want to risk that. And finally, it was White Lotus business, not the Police Force. Their job was to maintain peace within Republic City, White Lotus focused on the Avatar. So there was no way she'd mention what was going on, atleast not in the public. From the corner of her eye, she saw that a member was going to speak, but she gave him a warm smile. One that was nice to the public, but the members knew it was a 'You say anything, and I'll roast you!' sort of smile, so the member just shut his mouth and looked forward once more. Zhi then looked back at Rayn and spoke, "I've been sent to escort these gentlemen, that's all I can speak of in public....And around civilians," that's when she looked down at Nyima then forward, "You're more than welcome to follow along and see what's going on though." Those were her final words on the matter as she continued walking with the rest of the Lotus. She had to take extra caution to make sure the Avatar would stay safe, atleast until she made it there to protect him. Or more sentries came along, it would be a long journey for this Avatar she knew.