Kitty looked around at all of the faces as she took her place at the podium, a bright smile on her own. Her only wish was to make Charles and the others proud. Well, that and to be able to go to bed and cuddle with Piotr. But, one step at a time would have to do for now. She cleared her throat to settle everyone down, motioning for her friends and colleagues to join her on the stage. She could see the awe in the eyes of many of the newcomers as they saw those with more visible mutations, gawking as her teachers and X-Men walked with confidence, their chins held high. She was proud of them, watching as they filed behind her. She turned her head back to the crowd and put on her best face. [b]“Welcome home, everyone. I know many of you are excited to be back... I know that we're all still heart broken concerning the death of our beloved Professor Xavier. He will forever be in our hearts and minds as we work together to carry out his dream. With this new year comes many new things. New friends, new enemies, new challenges. And new teachers. I'm sure that many of you are wondering who these fine men and women behind me are, but you'll find out later when they're torturing you in their classes.”[/b] She smiled as she got some laughter, half nervous and half genuinely amused, continuing on with a firm voice. [b]“People like us face challenges every day and in times, it's become worse. For this exact reason, we need to hold fast together and keep each other strong. We cannot be seen weak in this moment; Not by humans, not by our own kind. But not a single one of you should be afraid. Since the attack here, we've taken many more precautions and our new staff and X-Men are far more aggressive than our la-”[/b] She paused when a hand raised. The boy stood up with brows pulled down in confusion. [b]“So... The new X-Men will kill anyone that attacks?”[/b] There were hushed murmurs as all eyes fell on her. Art took this chance to step forward with a light smile, clearing her throat. [b]“Yeah. We will.”[/b] The students roared. Not all of them, some of them remaining silent. But the auditorium echoed with roars and claps of approval. Wow. Bloodthirsty little creatures. Reminded her of a younger... Well. Her. She gave a light smile and raised a glowing hand, drawing attention to herself. Which really wasn't hard when she was glowing like she was shooting up rainbows in an alleyway at night. [b]“My name is Armonía Torres,”[/b] she spoke in a thick Cuban accent to the crowd, looking over every single person as she stood at an easy stance, taking in the wolf whistles and cat calls with a smirk. The tattooed and pierced female raised a hand to silence them once more. [b]“I am going to be your Professor of Art and Literature. And Drama. And Music. And Yoga. But most importantly, I will be leading this new generation of X-Men. We might not all look it, but we are deadly. And we're not old fashioned. Our purpose is to protect you, ourselves, and mutants wherever and whenever we can. If someone wants to kill us... Well, they can try. But I can assure you that we'll kill them first.”[/b] More approving roars, cries of praise for the X-Men. She could hear many of them crying out about joining the X-Men and rolled her eyes. [b]“Aww, that's cute. Real fucking adorable. No. You don't just [i]join[/i] the X-Men. You earn that shit. Basic classes teach you to control your powers and basic self-defense combat because it's a necessity for survival. But you have to earn the right to learn how to apply your powers in ways you never thought imaginable. You have to earn the right to train with us and learn how to take down Chuck Norris. You have to [u]earn[/u] the right to put on that black suit and represent Charles Xavier. We do not relish in shedding blood. We do what we must to survive. Keep that shit in mind.”[/b] As the crowd went silent, she took her place back in line. Kitty looked at her with wide eyes in surprise, clearly hiding what appeared to be either a smirk or a smile while she moved back to the podium and spoke into the microphone. [b]“Yeah. She's a real bottle of sunshine... Well, rainbows.”[/b] She joked about the rainbow colored glow coming from her friend, easing the tension that had rose. [b]“That about covers everything. Please, feel free to explore and get to know one another. Doors marked with an X are for staff only. Don't try breaking in because our security has been severely upgraded with the latest in Stark Industries' technology. And a huge thank you to everyone who helped rebuild over the summer, and Mister Faraday for funding us. Now, go! Explore and enjoy!”[/b] They need not be told twice, dashing off to explore the mansion that was now three times larger than it had originally been in order to house the influx of mutants. Kitty raised a brow in Art's direction who simply shrugged her shoulders and laughed. [b]“Sólo teniendo en real, bebé.”[/b] Blowing Kitty a kiss, she headed out with the throng of students. [b]“I'll be in the staff kitchen for drinks and I'm making a bomb ass meal.”[/b] With that, she disappeared into the crowd, pushing her way to the elevator where she took it to the third floor, following hallways to her bedroom door. Her door was easily recognized by the classic drama masks hanging from it. Smiling, she let herself in and was bombarded by her pets that she knelt to give affection before disrobing and shimmying into a tank top and daisy dukes. She was home again so there was no need to be formal. She paused in the mirror, again looking at the scars that she once felt defined her, that they were all people saw when they looked at her. She didn't care anymore though. She was fucking awesome with fucking awesome tattoos and fucking awesome piercings and fucking awesome skills and a fucking awesome face with a fucking awesome body and a fucking awesome glow. Yeah. She was cool. Smirking, she lead her pets out of her room, to the elevator, and to the staff kitchen. Kitty apparently took the liquor stash pretty seriously. There were biometric scanners on all the doors marked with an X. Art was let in with ease and she quickly went for the whiskey, propping the door open with a chair.