That was an interesting speech. To tell the truth, River never expected such an 'act of war'. Of course, it was all to encourage the usage of self defence and to stand up for who they really are. Fight the oppression if it comes to your doorstep, it was an effective method to prevent people from screwing around with you but in the end, where would that leave everyone? It would eventually start a war, that was for sure. River got up from his chair and moved between the other students which wasn't very hard given his small frame. Most didn't even notice him and the others simply stepped aside as he came, allowing him further passage. River didn't have much of an issue to be in bigger crowds and it wasn't very uncomfortable, but getting out to get some fresh air sounded like a good idea. Moving towards the exit, he saw a few faces he had never seen before and others whom he had laid eyes on in the past. Without saying a word, River simply moved past them but stopped dead in his steps once Marlowe appeared. Why was that guy so scary? It's not like he would pin River to a wall and beat the crap out of him. Taking a deep breath, and waiting a distance from Marlowe and the girl he was escorting, River continued once there was acceptable distance between the two. Marlowe was most likely no one from River's past and this cat and mouse business was getting seriously old. The kid would need to stop being so paranoid, people would start wondering, not to mention Marlowe himself. Once he was finally out of the auditorium, River made his way down the hall and towards his room. He had no idea who his roommate this year would be, and hopefully it wasn't some kind of super charged uncontrollable bomb. Being blown up in his sleep didn't sound very tempting, but everything that had happened today got him thinking. How many of the people in that auditorium had been through something unimaginably horrible due to their powers? Who had accidentally killed someone they loved or had been chased out the door by that very person? After that speech of war, River couldn't help but think about all the poor souls who needed to sit through that after having been through enough bloodshed already. River himself didn't quite understand what it felt like, he'd never been there. He never had a family to begin with and in a way, that's incredibly relieving. There were never any catastrophes in his life, and his power wasn't at all devastating to say the least. Once River got settled in his room, made his bed and made sure that his pew-pew stick was there for ready access, he left for the cafeteria. Damn, he hadn't even eaten yet. Hopefully he wouldn't need to sleep with a gun under his pillow due to his roommate. Who knows, though. Perhaps his roommate had the mutation to summon unicorns. River walked along the corridors, knowing which one lead where at this point, and turned a left before ending up by the cafeteria, finally. After taking a seat, he took a deep breath and considered what he could eat. Perhaps something small would be enough, since the whole school would eat dinner later, though River hadn't even had breakfast yet. A sandwich would work. Yes, that was a good idea. River moved towards the glass display and reached for a ham and cheese sandwich and a small bottle of juice before retiring back to a table and started to eat. For a kid from the streets, he seemed to have very acceptable table manners. Chew with your mouth closed, sit up straight, don't talk with food in your mouth. Not that he had anyone to speak to, but still. Hopefully no one would be pissed off at him for taking a snack before the big meal, but given that he was starving, perhaps it could be overlooked. Outside the sun was shining brightly and perhaps he could go and enjoy it some. Though, the teachers most likely wanted the students to stay in for a little while. If everyone ran off, where would that leave all the new ones? For once in their lives, it would be nice to not have to fend for themselves every step of the way. If someone asked, River would help, but seeking out stray sheep wasn't on his to do list.