[u]Daisy/Duncan/Freddie[/u] Daisy was startled to see Marlowe file into line next to her, grass staining his normally immaculate clothing, his stunning blue eyes marred by a little red. She blinked a couple of times rapidly, unsure of what was wrong or how exactly to proceed. Not wanting to interrupt Kitty’s speech, she settled for reaching over with her tiny hand and giving his own beautifully manicured one a warm squeeze. He would talk to her later if he wanted to or needed to, and it wasn’t her place to pry, just to be there. Releasing his hand, her gaze was caught by Nia stepping forward, her skin aglow. Of course, the woman would have been radiant simply because of her confidence, but literal radiance was certainly eye-catching. “Show off,” muttered Daisy in a teasing tone, grinning from ear to ear. She listened carefully to her friend’s words, and while they seemed to get a roaring response from the student body (at least in the beginning), they left Daisy feeling very somber. Of course she would defend the school by any means necessary, it had been a promise she had made when she had accepted the position as teacher and Daisy did not take promises lightly, but the thought of actually having to act on that pledge made her feel nauseous. Perhaps it was ironic since she taught combat, but Daisy had never been quick to violence, only using it as a means of defense, and even then she chose to quickly incapacitate her foes rather than deal permanent damage. The thought of actually taking a life… it scared her, and Daisy didn’t scare easily. The assembly came to a close and the students and teachers began to disperse. A loud rumble gurgled from her stomach and Daisy wrapped her arms around herself sheepishly. With a metabolism as high as hers it was never a smart idea to skip a meal, but breakfast had been the last thing on her mind that morning, and now she needed sustenance. Standing on her tiptoes, Daisy ducked between people, peering around bodies, trying to locate Freddie’s familiar form so that they could walk to the kitchen together and take advantage of Nia’s fabulous cooking skills. Instead, she found herself locking gazes with the last person in the world she wanted to see. All of her nervousness from that morning came back in a rush, her stomach knotting painfully, her heart rate accelerating rapidly as if she had just finished a sprint. Even though he was all the way across the hall, Daisy found her body frozen in place, unable to disengage, to walk away. ‘[i]Fuck[/i],’ she thought to herself, her panic expressing itself in a notable widening of her already large eyes, ‘[i]Oh fuck me. Fuck. FUCK[/i].’ She knew what she wanted to do. Her instinct was to teleport away, as far away as she could, dig a hole wherever she ended up, and die in it. In fact, she might have actually flickered out of existence for half a second, she wasn’t really paying close attention, but as her body began to get over the shock she resolved herself to the situation. She was an adult, a grown woman, not a little girl who got scared and fled. She would deal with this accordingly. Straightening, she was abruptly aware of how short the skirt of her dress was and blushed a bit, tugging at the hem in a vain attempt to make it cover more of her shapely legs as she crossed the auditorium room floor. Eventually she came to a stop, her ruby heels clicking together with finality. There was no running away now. Taking a deep breath, Daisy forced herself to lift her head and once again meet his gaze. ‘[i]Was he always this BIG[/i]?’ she thought absently to herself as she tried to scramble together some sort of greeting, something that would be appropriate to say in this, the most inappropriate of situations. “H-hi,” she said finally. ‘[i]Absolutely pathetic[/i],’ she thought to herself. Duncan watched with cold blue eyes, surveying the room for any potential threats. At any given time, anyone in that room was a threat. He didn't cheer along with the crowd, he sat and watched the pixie like blonde teacher. Her skirt pretty short, it looked good. Daisy had a fantastic pair of legs. He remained seated, arms folded and mouth shut as Art began her little tirade. Duncan had nothing against cursing, he himself was pretty bad for it but Art doing it in front of some very young children and he didn't really appreciate it. It was a good job he liked Professor Torres. Students began to file out of the room, Duncan remained in his seat for a little while and just as he stood, he saw her directly facing him. He wanted to call her by name but was well aware that it might draw funny looks and the last thing he wanted was for attention to be drawn to them. She did look so fucking hot in that skirt though. "Miss Vaughn, good to see you" DS had made a habit of hiding his unique accent, it could get a little confusing for some so often he masked it with a more generic English one, it was a bit of a talent actually. "I was wondering when I could swing by your office and return that copy of Julius Cesar to you?" It was a code, obviously only known by the two of them. When Daisy first gave him that book six months ago, neither knew what it would eventually lead to. Daisy hesitated, her lower lip catching between her teeth. Part of her, the part of her that was more honest with herself, knew that spending any more time alone with Duncan was an infinitely bad idea. It was too much time alone over break that had gotten them to where they were in the first place. On the other hand, meeting would give them time to talk and give her the opportunity to put an end to... to whatever exactly this was. And she had to stop it, she was a teacher for crying out loud! That fact of course didn't stop her from watching as his hands slid into the pockets of his jeans, remembering how those hands had felt, and his lips- '[i]GAH!!!!![/i]' she screamed at herself internally, '[i]STOP IT!!! JUST STOP!!![/i]' "Yeah," she said, shaking her head a bit to focus herself, "Yeah, that sounds good, I will probably be in my office shortly after lunch. We should talk." Her tone was a little tense, but when she looked back up at Duncan her resolve wavered. Damnit if she wasn't fond of the young man. "You did like it though?" she asked, her tone returning to its normal, warm range, "The book I mean? I have the rest of Shakespeare's works if you'd like them." "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us." Duncan knew the book inside and out, quoting literary and scholarly figures was not new to him. Often the young man would use quotes to get his point across. He was a man of few words but when he did use them, they always meant something. DS had the unique ability to convey his thoughts and feelings with but a look and in that moment, his steely blue/grey eyes were telling Daisy exactly how he was feeling and exactly what he wanted, "Yeah, I'd like to take a look at your collection" A dry half smile crept up onto his young face . "After lunch I can do" Duncan quickly scanned the room again, prying eyes and little birds caused all sorts of problems and he had to make sure none were watching. He took the left hand from his jean pocket and placed it on Daisy's right arm gently. "I'll be seeing you, Professor Vaughn" The context of his words were subtle, the dark meaning only known by the young teacher and her student. Daisy shivered at the power with which his voice conveyed the quote, his gentle touch sending shockwaves up her arm. "Mmm," she murmured in confirmation, her addled brain unable to form real words as she watched him meld into the mass of students headed towards the cafeteria or elsewhere. This was dangerous. Daisy was outranked, out of her depth, and she knew she was in trouble. Suddenly she sensed a presence beside her and practically leapt out of her skin. "Freddie!" she squeaked, quickly forcing herself to calm down and her voice to return to its natural pitch, "I didn't see you there. You hungry? I hear there's going to be a pretty bad-ass meal in the teacher's kitchen." Daisy breathed deeply. Good. That sounded normal, casual, very Daisy-like. She completed the sentence with a cheeky wink and a grin, hoping to whatever gods may or may not exist he wouldn't call her on it. "If Nia is cooking you know that it'll be good" Freddie had yet to speak to his old flame, he knew he'd had to eventually. "Come on, Daze. Let's go get something to eat" He hooked her arm with hers and smiled. "Who'd have thought when we were students here that we'd wind up as teachers? I tell you what, I certainly wasn't thinking about that when you me and Nia used to rob Logan's stash for liquor" Freddie chuckled as he walked with Daisy to the cafeteria. "You've been tutoring that Spencer kid right? How's he doing?" Daisy laughed. Oh boy did she remember stealing Logan's liquor, and remembered even more vividly how pissed he was about it. "Spencer?" her heart beat sporadically but her smile didn't waver, "He's a smart kid, and a really talented writer. I know his mutation is kinetic energy absorption, but the guy really has an outstanding gift. He'd give my mom a run for her money," she laughed a bit, and then frowned. "What do you think of Spencer?" she asked. She was genuinely curious, she put a lot of trust in Freddie's opinions. "There's a lot of pain in him" Freddie said pretty bluntly. "You can see it in his eyes. He's carrying a lot of weight and he's hiding behind this aloof, elusive exterior. The only reason I know that is because I see a lot of me in him, when I was kid. Only difference is he can maintain control, like he compartmentalizes everything. I used to let everything get to me and I'd blow up, as you well know. Stick it out with him, Daze. I get the feeling that, if this kid is ready to open up you're the one he'll do it with" Finally the two reached the kitchen and the gorgeous smell of food. "Enough about work, lets eat"