I'm totally interested in this. Name: Aeris LaFrond Alias: Wither Age: 19 [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/normal/Zetsuen-no-Tempest-The-Civilization-Blaster-009.png][/hider] Her uniform within the prison is not very revealing and barely altered from its normal design except for some ruffled sleeves and legs from her feral-ness due to her capture. The other alterations make it as easy as possible to move without revealing too much skin or damaging the outfit. Personality: She is generally misanthropic due to several betrayals that ended up with her captured and imprisoned. She has a cynical attitude most of the time and will make harsh and very dry jokes if she feels it's warranted. She is unafraid to take action, but does like to know what she's getting herself into before acting if she can. Those she actually considers friends she will do much to protect and would never betray. Those who betray her should worry for their safety as she will not stop hunting them until she feels she has given equal suffering to the betrayer. She avoids talking about her past. She is completely unfazed by blood or death. She has excellent control over her emotions. History: On the outside people would think that Aeris was raised in a high class family and sent to a prestigious school for business to continue the family business, which isn't wrong. However, she was trained from a very early age as an assassin. Her high class family was high class simply by the success they had in their assignments. Her prestigious school was the greatest training ground for assassins. Her natural talent allowed her to shoot up the ranks. During her rise, she made several friends and several of them ended up working together in an attempt to bring her down. She caught this betrayal and acted appropriately to avoid disaster, which was successful, but the only time she safely avoided betrayal. One person maintained a seemingly true friendship with Aeris throughout the betrayals. Unfortunately, this was also another false friendship as one break her friend stayed over Aeris' home and in the night killed mother and father and set the building on fire to escape. Aeris spent that entire break hunting her down and repaying that betrayal in full. For the loss that was suffered by Aeris, she used her ability to cripple her ex-friend before slitting her throat with a dagger. The sudden aging of a 18 year old girl caught the attention of the government. She spent a year staying one step ahead of the government and doing everything it took for her to survive. Unfortunately, their persistent tracking caught her in the night before she was able to gather herself enough to escape with everything she needed. In the struggle to escape capture, she managed to pierce the neck armor of one of the men and kill him with an ice pick. Her early days imprisoned she behaved in a completely feral fashion raging at everything, and eventually calmed down to bide her time to escape. With the suppression bracelets blinding her she knew she had to rely completely on her training to find an opening. She eventually decided she could use the other Evols that were captured here in that escape. Skills: Stealth - Aeris is really good at sneaking from her training. Marial Arts - Aeris is familiar with many different types of martial arts those designed for weapon use specifically. Acting Training - Aeris is an excellent actor as it was necessary for her to be able to fit the part for assignments. Power: She has the power to channel negative energy into an object, living or dead, and cause it to rapidly age and deteriorate. She much be within and arm's reach but does not need to touch to use this ability although contact does make focusing easier. Threat Level: 5