SillyGoy is 100% approved, the value idea is pretty cool. Drewccap, you'll have to wait for me or the other GM's to take a look at yours. I'm afraid I have to be getting to bed very soon as I have to be up at 0430 :( I did glance at your power, as it is the first thing I look at with any CS. Your power seems to entail more than it seems. Hyper senses, no matter how focused, don't allow someone to read someones thoughts. That's a totally different power all together. Projecting your senses through materials poses problems because you simply, no matter how Hyper your senses, can't taste something through a plaxy glass cell on the other side of the room. Also, it's important to know that for a realistic use of that power, such as hearing someone upstairs whispering, through your cell. Would still be incredibly hard because of the bracelets affecting all of us. It seems that you wouldn't really be of significant aid until much later once the degradation of the bracelets is severe enough. My final point here, is that you have mixed up some powers into one, please correct it to be realistic. I know this is fantasy but if Hyper Senses is your power, than it needs to fit that realm of abilities.