[b][u]Danny Green[/u][/b] A smirk formed at the corner of Danny's mouth as Duncan threatened the newbie about his empty water bottle. Of course it was just an empty threat as Duncan just liked giving people a hard time. Something Danny had grown accustomed to. "Don't break them too bad. He'll need them to survive the battle simulator." The kid's eyes widened with terror and turned forward. Duncan was starting to rub off on him scary enough. Out of everyone in the school, Duncan was the last person he would ever be the closest to as they were complete opposites as far as personality went. But Duncan was a good person in Danny's eyes and a fun person to talk to. Danny was pretty much friends with everyone, especially with Headmistress Pryde, but he just had that bond with Duncan. As more and more people began to file in late for orientation, Danny looked about at the teachers. Some were new and some Danny knew of before the vacation. They had a great staff this year and great stuff was going to happen. When Art stepped up to the podium, She began her usual rant that never failed to leave people a little uncomfortable by her words. Her personality resembled that of someone people talked about fondly about named Logan. No matter how abrasive she was, if this school was going to survive, they needed a strong person like her around to kick everyone's asses from time to time. With such strong personalities entering the Institute this semester, Danny was a bit nervous wondering if he was going to warm up to people. Others off the bat would see Danny as quiet when they first meet him, but becomes open and outgoing once he's talked to you for some time. He just hoped people didn't think he was timid all the time. He [i]hated[/i] being taken for granted, almost as much as seeing someone drinking from a Styrofoam cup. No matter; Everyone normally warms up to him eventually so he just shook the thought out of his head. After the assembly, everyone filed out rather quickly and soon the auditorium was nothing but empty chairs. As he was leaving, he noticed Duncan stop to talk to Daisy. It was blatantly obvious they liked each other by they way they looked at one another. One would think they were fucking, but that would be absurd. Daisy seemed too innocent for that. Can't say the same for Duncan, however. Of course, Duncan wouldn't admit such things to Danny if he did have a thing for the teacher. He hurried and exited the auditorium into the crowd of mutants. Danny smiled and greeted some people he talked to the previous semester, making his way through the crowd of anxious students. It didn't take long for his stomach to start growling as he didn't even eat breakfast that morning. Quickly, he made his way to the cafeteria and went to the kitchen himself to grab a meal. Most of the fruits and vegetables used in the cafeteria were grown by yours truly, with the help of others. They didn't have any of those harmful chemicals in them like you would get at a normal store, something him and Art totally agreed on. He even convinced Headmistress to put recycling bins all over the place and to stop using cups and plates that would harm the environment. Let's just say it became pretty green around here after Danny came along. Being vegan, he had his own stash of things to eat. He grabbed a vegan wrap and some water he kept in a reusable plastic bottle and took his meal outside to the gardens. A lot of the flowers and plants that make the Institute so stunning were grown by Danny when he arrived. He helped maintain the beautiful scene by tending to the gardens and plants. The greenhouse that sat at the edge of the gardens is where he did most of his experiments with plants and where he would spend most of his time. Being a future Botanist, he always looked for new medicine, cures, and poisons with his plants that could be beneficial to the Institute. Danny sat down by the gardens and began to eat his meal, soaking in the sun. He didn't want the new students scared seeing him turn green from lack of sun and water. Art had already scared them enough. Letting out a huge sigh, he looked down at the ground and waved his hand over the grass. Immediately, a vine grew out of the ground and shot up, producing a bright red apple which he picked. The vine retreating back into the ground and Danny bit into it, chasing it down with some water.