[i]Flashback-Kamas POV[/I] "We've been out here harvesting crops all day, its just us four, who's gonna eat all this." Kama complained, gazing up at his beefy father, full of testosterone, ale and hate. The year has been good for the family, the fruits grew great and they were able to sell it to the market and splurge on things, ale for the father and a night without hearing their mother being beaten by their father. While life was tough around the place, that year, it just held a beautiful light over the old house, where hope could shine through any crack. His father though, tried his best to place a shutter over any glare of hope and happiness with a well placed punch, as he did when Kama complained about harvesting, which sent him flying back into a basket of freshly picked tomatoes. "Who said you could speak you peon, i'll drag across this entire field if you dare speak to me again." he roared, throwing a stale plumb at the young Kama, bruising the side of his face, as if the punch didn't. These actions, fueled his hate for his father, every attack on him by this brute of a man gave his life purpose, to never become scum like him. The blood in his body boiled to a point, enough to light a gas filled room on entrance. Laying into the basket, his pants soaked in the back from the tomatoes he has squished, this would be another event to mark in his book, for the day his father could haunt the family no more. "Kama!" The mother yelled, rushing past the helpless boy over to the father, holding him and pleading for him to stop. "Jr is just a boy, he cant take the beating a grown woman like me can, please, give it to me" She pleaded, holding him tight while gently kissing his oversized arms. This brought a sinister smile to the mans face, he stopped proceeding towards the boy and made his way towards the house with his wife in his arms, young Kama helpless to get up and forced to watch his father walk away with nothing but the worst intentions in store for his mother. "You've cursed me" He whispered, staring at the name tattooed on his back. [i]Present[/I] "Father" "Father..... "Faaaatheeer!" Tosama roared, aggravated by his silence. Kama quickly snapped back to reality, his mind searching for the goal he had set, once found he began to shake his head and looked down at the Tosama. "Do you see them, the paladins" She questioned, hiding behind his shoulder, trying to stay out of sight. Her ignorance to the situation tickled him, he simply rubbed her head like a owner would his horse and pointed towards them. "They don't have what you have" Kama informed, looking back down at her with a large smile. She was puzzled, searching through her bag to pull out a small stone. "They don't have man stones, really?" She asked. Kamas eyes widened faster then a deer that spots the arrow, faster than a rat caught by a falcon. Without a seconds hesitation, he grabbed her wrist and poked it with his thumb, they her right finer with his pinky. she tried to pull her hand away but she couldn't for it was stuck, before she could think of a way out of his grasp or even ask why he did it, the stone was out of her possession. Kama quickly shoved it into his satchel, looking around at his surroundings, stupid and uncalculated actions like those are what get mages killed. "Me, they don't have me! Don't you ever do that again, you hear me" He grumbled loudly, trying not to be heard. "Okay I got it, espionage" She complied, soon after she gained full control of her hand. "We're wanted for black magic, that's something dangerous and people don't like it. We probably have some good people on our trail, the last thing we want is someone finding out we were here, can you just bare with me?" he asked, with a genuine look on his face, gesturing towards the paladins. For minutes he channeled his magic to his ear, greatly amplified by his Tosama, he could hear every world perfectly, and was glad to know nothing of their names had come up, so as far as he was concerned, they were safe.