[b]River[/b] After finishing his sandwich, River got up and stretched his body before putting the bottle in the recycling bin located by the glass display and continued out into the hallway. What could he do while waiting for dinner? Well, the only thing he could do was to walk around aimlessly or perhaps squeeze in a few hours of training. The latter was the more productive choice but the training facility was most likely not open yet. Damn, he didn't have enough time to go to the forest and practice and he didn't have access to the school's training area the first day of the year. Well, walking around aimlessly it was, then. With his hands in his pockets, River found it a good idea to go to his room, grab his iPod and continued down the corridor until he could make his way towards the hall and finally stepped out into the sun. It felt wonderful against his skin, and it would only feel better once he dropped down on the grass in the gardens and turned up the volume. River's music tastes varied drastically depending on his mood. Anything from a piano and violin to hard beating rock music filled his iPod to the brink. Out in the gardens there already seemed to be another person. Wasn't that the tree hugger boy? Yeah, it was him. River had never really talked with him much, if at all. He didn't have any memories of it, but he seemed kind enough. His name was Daniel, always called Danny apparently. His powers were a pretty sight to say the least, something River would openly comment on if he was of a more social brand. The sky was nearly glowing the pretty blue hue, clouds not visible for as long as the eye could see. Some mutants could even control that. The amount of powers in the world was almost unfathomable and yet, mutants were being suppressed and bullied into submission. How was that even possible? They were stronger than humans and had every means of fighting back, but they didn't. River wasn't in a hurry to lead a war against humanity but he couldn't help but think about why the world was scaled as it was. With a soft sigh, River covered his eyes for a moment, shielding them from the sun. It was getting warmer.