[b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/32210/posts/ooc?page=2#post-976867]Mila Kovsky[/url][/b] Mila looked around as more joined the kitchen area. She went over to the plate Art had made for her. She picked up a piece of brussel sprouts with her fingers and popped it into her mouth, giving it a thorough chew as she watched as Art suddenly stopped what she had been doing and took one of the arriving males and dragging him out of the kitchen. She blinked a few times, trying to understand why she had done such a thing but simply gave up. It was of no concern of her own. She finally swallowed before picking up the plate in her hands and stood there a bit awkwardly, unsure what to do or say. "Uhm.. I think I am going to eat in my dorm." She said with a nod as if she agreed with herself. "Bye bye." With that she turned on her heels and stepped around the blond girl at the door and gracefully crawled over the chair once more without spilling her meal. She looked left and right, trying to figure out where to even go. She had no idea where her dorm was. So might as well go on a search. She took a left, heading down the corridor with slow steps. Picking at her food with her free hand. Chewing as she looked around the walls and the beautiful architecture and furnishings. Casually swaying around other students. After a little while of wandering she gave up as she saw the exit out into the garden/courtyard area. A few other students had seemed to gather there to relax. Might be a good idea until she could figure out where she would be staying. Using her body to push open the door she walked out into the courtyard. Finding an empty stone picnic table she walked over to it. Instead of sitting on the chair and placing her food on the table she stepped up onto the seat and sat herself down on the table top, resting the plate on her lap. She like having a higher view of the area. Able to see things and people relaxed her nerves. She lightly picked at her food as she sat there, humming a quiet tune to herself between the bites.