Orin peered back to Lach for a moment as he placed a hand onto his shoulder and nodded to his words. He knew it was true, even if he did like smashing right through to the point, he knew that fighting her all at once would only leave them trapped here like rats. "Though you are a idiot..." Orin gave a 'no way you are going to try something that dumb' kind of look before looking over to Kaldis who was heading towards the left hallway. He was kind of hesitant of going with them at first, but to keep the numbers even he went with Hector and the girl to be safe. Besides he had to show the guy what he could do now! Not to mention get a higher score than him. --- Main Hall Marie was standing in the stage, confident her chances of winning were rising with each passing moment as more people fled down the two hallways towards her fellow guild members. However, the very last thing she expected was for two of the enemy just to calmly jump onto her stage and start flirting with her! She was taken off guard to say the least, stuttering as she spoke "W-w-what?!" One of them seemed to stop, however she had finally reached breaking point. "Bah, fans should not get on la stage!" With a click of her finger suddenly two thin speakers shot up in front of the pair and blasted out a wide spread shock wave, only for her to lower with the speakers and bring up a high kick dance, which set off all her speakers either side of her to blow the pair off her stage! "Besides. I rather like mwah men rather more... Refined." "Now then, shall we start?~" Spinning in place she kicked out, her dance moves opening up several speakers on the floor, sending out a slicing sound way across the floor. In turn it took out several of her own grunts in the process. Not to mention Keal and Sayuri were right in the way, though it looked like she cared little! --- Left Hallway As they made their way into the hallway there seemed to be a very young boy standing there, leaning on a huge axe that had been embedded into the ground by some sort of great force. Pushing up his glasses he smiled excitedly. "Ah yes, I hoped this would be true! You two, Orin and Hector! So powerful! This will be a powerful fight indeed! -don" Despite his feminine looks he talked strongly and like a man... It was kind of silly but still, he was determined, until he saw the others though. "Tch... Guess this wont be a MANLY fight after all.." HE looked disappointed at this news, but a noise of the door opening behind him caught his attention. "Ah, old man. I don't need your-, Huh.. No. Stay. You can handle the others while I have my powerful match! Keyahahahahaha!" - With a withered smile the old man nodded and very slowly walked up towards them all, addressing Elliot in his introduction. "Hello deary... I am Sir Emils Goulard, but you may call me Grandpa heheheheh" He gave a friendly smile before looking towards the boy. - "Ah! Right! Names! *Cough*" Reaching back he tore the axe out of the ground like it was paper. "I am the Powerful Bullmen, La Bull! You may call me Bull for sort. After all soon you wont be able to say much else" Despite the tiny guy facing off with two giants such as Orin and Hector he showed no fear what so ever. [url=http://anime-pictures.net/pictures/get_image/321811-800x1130-original-asuda+%28artist%29-long+hair-single-tall+image-open+mouth.png]Bullmen, La Bull[/url] [img=http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/images/haiironosora/Black_Old_Man.jpg] "The guys got balls I'll give him that..." Orin said as he cracked his knuckles. --- Right Hallway Within the room there was.... Nothing? Well it seemed the guy was deeper in, well that is what they may have come too until suddenly a coffin sunk up from the ground as if it was going through water! Unwrapping the coffin formed around a rather lanky guy, covering his body in the stuff. "O-Oh... Are you the ones I am meant to be fighting? How depressing... I so hate to fight you know?" He weakly smiled but it soon went dull and sad like before. ".... Did you want to just give up now? It would be so helpful and no one would get hurt right?" [img= http://99px.ru/sstorage/41/2013/09/image_410709132246155344520.png]