Alicia Taylor. Alicia looked up to see Daisy smiling at her and Rory, she couldn't help but smile and wave back at her, then she heard the speech start looking towards Headmistress Pryde listening to her speech, she never knew Professor Xavier but has heard all of the good deeds he has done over the years and for mutant kind. Then Art took to the podium listening on what she had to say, Alicia quietly thought to herself about joining the X-Men but she wasn't sure if any of her friends joined then she would try and get in as well. When the other students started to cheer after Art's part of the speech she didn't know what to think about it. But once the speech was over Alicia felt her friend Aurora taking her hand and quickly got up following behind her best friend as they went through the isle of chairs as the other students started to leave the auditorium. "That was an interesting speech..." Aurora said, Alicia nodded gripping her friends hand gently not enough to hurt her but more of a friendly way. "Yeah it was pretty interesting, not sure what to think about what Art said." Alicia answered when they were at the back Alicia noticed Naka, she didn't know the other girl very much but she could tell by the look of her she was in some kind of fight and also she had that party girl kind of vibe from her. "Are you okay?" Alicia asked her.