Nyima played more with her food than she ate it. When Rayn brought up the possibility of never seeing her parents again, she could feel the stinging in her eye. She closed them tightly and sighed, "I spent... the entire way here thinking about never seeing them or my brother again... It isn't something I want... but I'm scared that... If I go back... or if I had stayed... If I got married like they wanted me to, I would end up resenting them." She felt a tear escape for her eye and dropped her chopstick, wiping it away. She sniffled a little, "I don't want to hate them for making choices for me... And I don't want to be in a marriage with no love. When I get married, I want it to be to the right person," she looked at him and smiled lightly, "But... you probably just think I'm a little kid... and I can't deny that... I ran away from home to a place I where I know nothing and no one and had to end up getting saved by some stranger..." She shook her head, "I can't deny that at all..." She looked at her nearly full bowl of noodles but had no interest in eating them, "You said something about a place to sleep?" ---- Nyima woke in a warm bed the next day. It took her a minute to figure out were she was and when she did she smiled slightly. Despite the scare the night before and leaving her family, she was happy with what she done. She stretched and looked around, examining every little thing in the room. Rayn had said he would be back in the morning and she didn't have a clue what to do in the meantime... Not to mention, she was a little scared to roam the streets alone.