[quote=Nallore] Awww but we will miss you why not stay and post when you can? [/quote] It's going a little fast for that, so I understand why a busy schedule would keep one from jumping in. Plus, a lot of people are jumping on collabs and that requires free time. It took Fox, Chrono, and I like a few hours the other night to finish ours, heh. That's probably because we got distracted with other discussions—well, mainly me... >_> <_< [quote=Phoebas] Don't be! If you ever want to try it out this is an awesome RP with plenty of fantastic roleplayers with which to do so. ;) [/quote] Girl, I am like almost on par. Like... just about there, but not really. ._. I'm so critical of myself that it's hard to take compliments. Everyone else is fabulous, doe.