[quote=Little_ninja] Most of the rest seems fine but a little bit in your history.I believe, especially from her being of a high level family of assassins, she would have a good knowledge in tracking your target and etc. I do not really see this kind of ability to hunt someone down, even though also an assassin, as requiring an ability to track down and warrant government attention in that way. I think the way to warrant the government's attention should be something more evident. Unless, to say, she tracked someone else who had some sort of ability too, and killed them, hence the government's attention.Most of your CS is good, just a few small things to fix. [/quote] Fair enough... it usually is the small things that I get caught on. I'll put some thought into it and make amends. I am actually going to put more thought into her ability as while I'm quite a fan of the "passive" type of abilities that don't take much effort to use and can even be used thoughtlessly it also makes it super hard for the government to even realize she has a power to begin with because it is a completely sensory power and won't easily attract attention.