[quote=Sixsmith] Marlowe's past?You mean specifically the part about Marlowe and his ex? Or...? o_oDID YOU GET THE RIGHT PERSON?I THINK YOU SAID THE WRONG NAME. Why would anyone be interested in my characters? What is this? Are you trying to fool me?! Being the creator of my characters, I wholeheartedly believe that they aren't interesting to anyone but me. [/quote] Of course I mean Marlowe I must know his history with his ex and then I need drama then he needs love. In that order. Lot of Ex history, drama.. maybe little more drama, and then love. O.O [img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVvteaV8a3ap65M_T9KCteZo7NWoB-b-Y5t5Xgm-xsvf2jwqPhxw [/img]