Human; Name: Sabah, Tsuta Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [Url=]"Sorry, my Japanese is a bit rough."[/Url] Personality: Tsuta is an easy-going boy, usually choosing to just go with the flow. He has a morbid sense of humour due to some of the things he has seen in his life but he tries not to show that side. Tsuta is also extremely pessimistic and cynical, however he often speaks such things in an optimistic fashion that makes people think he is joking as a cover. He is loyal to a fault to those he trusts and is often a bit to "handsy" for the societal norm but many over look it as he is a foreigner. Tsuta also has an obsession with the more regal side of Arabic culture, even going as far as making his room look as much like the one he had in Egypt as possible. Though a bit aloof to some, Tsuta is very affectionate with the people he cares for often showing so by touching them in one way or another. Backstory: Tsuta was born and raised in Egypt to a Japanese mother and Egyptian father. As such he had adopted many mannerisms of the area. His father was one of the few Hinduistic Egyptians and instilled the belief into his son, much to his Shintoist mother's chagrin. His mother had wanted to adopt some of the more modern culture as well and had taken many language, dance and cooking classes most of which he attended as a way of staying connected to his mother, whom taught him japanese at the same time he was learning to speak Arabic. He and his family moved to Japan when he was thirteen and he has learned to endure the, much, colder weather, though he severly misses the heat and comfort, of sorts, he had in Egypt. He has a few friends, though many people poke fun at him for slipping up and speaking in Arabic. Skills: Cooking, Dancing, Sarcasm. Alter Ego: Desert Swift Wind Alter Ego: Name: Desert Swift Wind Gender: Male Appearance: [Url=]"If I promise to miss you, will you go away?"[/Url] Personality: DSW is a outwardly aloof person, often seeming bored out of his wits, unless annoyed in any way. If DSW is annoyed he uses harsh, biting sarcasm that would make small children and possible some adults burst into tears if the insults didn't fly over their heads. He is loyal to a fault to the people he cares for, even going as far at to put himself into the line of fire. However, he is also somewhat degrading of friends, or at least it may seem that way to an outsider. His few true friends know that if he calls them a 'fricken dumbass', he is really saying that he loves them. Weapon(s):"Mahakala and Mahakali" a pair of twin Moorish Scimitar blades that have whip like handle ends that wrap around DSW's wrist and forearm. Abilities: Enhanced speed and agility, 'Kali state' (Goes into a temporary Bezerker mode -only happens when Tsuta is either physically fighting or has gone into a full harsh, biting Sarcasm rant), Sand/dust manipulation.