[b]Duncan/Daisy[/b] After sufficiently stuffing her face, Daisy washed her dishes and placed them neatly in the drying rack. She paused briefly, considering waiting there for Freddie and Nia to return, but finally decided against it. Something told her that they were only going to have eyes for each other for a little while, and as fun as third-wheeling tended to be, she had more pressing matters to attend to. “See you around, Mars,” she said with a wink, patting the man on the shoulder as she walked towards the hallway, “Let’s get coffee at the bakery tomorrow, my treat.” Maison Bon, or the bakery as the pair fondly called it, was a quaint little café in Paris that offered arguably the best espresso and pastry assortment in all of France. A little far away, perhaps, but what was distance really when one could teleport? Daisy wandered about halfway down the hallway, her fingers trailing along the polished wood paneling that lined the walls, before flickering out of existence. Jumps didn’t last long, hardly a fraction of a second, but that minute amount of time was becoming one of the few times that Daisy felt completely and utterly at peace. The in-between, she wasn’t exactly sure what it was or what to call it, was totally silent, warm, and weightless, like returning for just a brief moment to the womb. It was an intangible sanctuary, away from reality and its problems, and it never lasted long enough. Daisy opened her eyes. Before her lay the four familiar walls of her office, three of which were lined floor to ceiling with fully-stocked bookshelves, the fourth possessed an immense glass window (complete with window seat) that overlooked the school grounds. Her desk, an immense oak monstrosity built for a person of large stature, dominated the center of the room, flanked on either side by comfortable, worn armchairs in a similar carved style. Daisy bypassed them all, choosing instead to kick off her shoes and curl up on the soft cushion of the window seat. She glanced briefly over at the door, half-expecting it to open and finding herself vaguely disappointed when it didn’t. Sighing heavily, she let her forehead fall against the cool window pane and her eyes slide closed, her heart filled with both dread and anticipation of the hour to come. It was strange, the way his abilities became apparent during use. Duncan would watch as his veins would glow a violet/purple hue beneath his skin, his blue/grey eyes would shine ever so lightly dependent on the power he was exuding. Normally the energy conversion was passive, but recently the young Brit has more so been forcing the conversion himself. He was slowly getting the feeling that something inside his body was changing. For the better? That was yet to be decided. He watched as the glow dissipated from his wrist and he got to his feet. Lunch time was quickly coming to an end and so that meant it was very much time for something a little different. Grabbing the book from his bed-side table, Duncan began the walk to Daisy's office. The best thing about her office, bar the wonderful view of the outside, was the fact it was completely isolated. It was the furthest office from any other room in the building and it was rarely ventured to by students unless Daisy so requested. DS had been inside quite a few times in the past seven months. Arriving at the door, he opened it slowly and there she was, sitting by the window where he knew she'd be, it's where she always was. Closing and locking the door behind him, Duncan walked up to her desk and placed the book on it gently. "Daisy" Daisy's eyes opened slowly, the light from the window making them look more amber than their usual chocolate hue. "Hi Duncan," she said, a half-smile on her lips, her tone a little sad. It felt so natural to have him near her, so right, but she knew better, she was the adult, she had to. She reached out with a delicate hand and patted the space on the cushion beside her, a place he had occupied many times over the last few months, reading to her from writings or just simply talking. "Come sit by me, I have something to say." "Hm" Duncan smiled lightly before walking across the wood floor and taking his regular seat on the cushion next to her. He had lost count of the amount of times the two of them had sat there together over the past few months. It was a special place for the both of them. "You know, it's funny that you have something to say" Duncan tilted his head side ways and his smile grew slightly. "Because I've got something important to say too" Leaning forward, he took his hand and placed it against the back of her head as he pressed his lips to hers in a strong kiss. Daisy's eyes flew open in shock, warmth spreading throughout her body from the velvety friction of skin on skin, her torso automatically leaning in to get closer to him, to feel more of him. It was natural. It was carnal. It was- "Wrong!" spluttered Daisy, teleporting herself to the other end of the office, viciously fighting to clear her head, "This is wrong, Duncan! I'm your teacher for pete's sake, I should be taking care of you, not taking advantage of you. Fuck!" She buried her face in her hands for a moment, her palms scrubbing at her cheeks as if to scrape away the blush that betrayed how much she wanted him, how much he had grown to mean to her. "Duncan, I- I care about you," she started once she had calmed down a bit, "You must know that," her expression was as earnest as her voice, trying to get him to understand, "But this can't work. I'm not... I'm not right for you. Not in that way..." "Happiness comes in many forms-in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It’s okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be…" Duncan quoted before getting to his feet. "I make you happy, Daisy. You seem to have this notion in your head that you're taking advantage of me. You forget who I am" He began to take a few steps forward. "I'm Duncan Spencer and I have seen more in my eighteen years on this Earth than most do in their entire lifetimes. I know that this could all go wrong for both of us but that's kind of the point. Happiness is fleeting. I make you happy, Daisy, you know that and I know that. We need to take what we have now and live like there's no tomorrow because for us, as mutants as X-Men, they're probably isn't one" He reached her after a few more steps and placed his hands on her warm cheeks. "Look into my eyes and tell me, you don't want this" Daisy shook her head, laughing dryly. "I know who you are, you dork," she teased, "And are you seriously quoting One Tree Hill right now?" she asked, her laugh spreading so that it shook her entire body, her eyes tearing up a bit with mirth. Eventually her laughter subsided, her expression growing more somber. "What are you getting out of this, Duncan?" she asked finally, "I hope you aren't expecting some sexy-older-woman with experience schtick. I-" she hesitated a moment, her face growing very red, "I haven't actually been... with someone before." She laughed, trying to dispel her embarrassment, "Not a lot of boys are into girls who can put them in headlocks, you know?" Her joke fell a little flat, and she reached up, tapping his nose with her pointer finger. "It's a lot of risk, Duncan, not just for me and my job, but also for you, and I want to know... I want to know why. Really why." "Course I'm quoting One Tree Hill. It was the best thing ever on television" He chuckled alongside her until the tone because much more serious as she revealed her lack of experience as well as asking him what he wanted and what he got out...whatever they had. "Why?" Duncan repeated. "I spent years on the outside looking in from my own self exile. When my parents died, nobody, not a single person, understood me. So I isolated myself, the pain I carry was mine and mine alone. I hid in the darkness. Then one day, I look up and there's this girl, she has the sweetest and most genuine smile I've ever seen. She looked at me with pretty brown eyes and saw something in me that nobody has ever saw in me. She saw goodness. What do I get out of this? I get you" For a moment, Daisy didn't speak, she simply fixed Duncan with a hard stare, her expression unreadable. "Well then," she said just as the atmosphere started to become uncomfortable, a huge grin breaking out on her features as she pressed her lips firmly to Duncan's, "I suppose that is a sufficiently romantic reason." She laughed, poking his chest lightly, "Though I hope you haven't been anticipating any special treatment. I still expect you to turn in all of your homework assignments on time." She giggled a little and kissed him again, this time lightly on the nose. Part of her had the sneaking suspicion that they were both going to come to regret this, but Daisy had made her decision, even if it was fucking insanity for better or worse she was going to stick with it. "Do you want tea or coffee?" she asked, looping her arms about Duncan's waist, "I can put the kettle on."