Oeh... Happy new year, Jack! And happy new year everyone else, too!
@Jack: I don't know whether you've noticed, but I actually did put the editing system pre-alpha up ... some days ago? [There is a login link at te footer of the page - a strange place to keep your login link, but it is also a login link most visitors have no business with.] As said, it is indeed very pre-alpha at the time being, but it is functional. I'll see whether I can get you buttons for HTML tags when I am a bit more awake ... easy enough with singular fields, might need a bit of thinking with cyclic constructs. (Could probably self-invent less and fetch some plugin, but self-inventing is more interesting.)
The test table is generally for either of of us to play around with - see whether some tags work and what not -, but, eh, it might be preferable if you don't touch it while it has this big red "WORKING" written next to it. Undesirable things may happen. Maybe. Who knows? (Mainly confusion; breaking the test table cannot harm the actual Compendium.)
You will also be able to edit things that come up in search shortly (probably once I've reinvented formatting buttons), as well as alter the sidebar (add more categories and whatnot). I'd probably also have to tell you what logic the category/subcategory/sortby fields follow. Put up some kind of explanatory text, most likely, and insert a check for uniqueness. Might do something with the dictionary editing, too, as dictionaries are structured a bit differently.
See whether you can log in just fine? [The session should last for as long as your browser stays open - if you'd like I can add cookies and remembering devices.] And if there is anything I forgot to determine the color of, let me know immediately (I am not sure about the tooltips and scrollbars myself; there may be a thing at the foot of the test table page which has white buttons,, that I know). Else ... have fun editing, I guess? The database has been backed up and it should be impossible to do something worse than delete an entry you didn't intend to delete or break a hider tag.
As for RPG ... I have to agree it has been rather annoying lately. Seems to be a rather common opinion. The only serious alternative that has been suggested (aside of RPA [http://role-player.net], which is vBulletin and tends to hate some devices and is hated by some Internet providers) is Iwaku [https://www.iwakuroleplay.com] - which is a bit smaller site than RPG, and has quite some more things to it than just the forums, but it has been stably up and running, which is something that cannot be said about RPG.
(The only direct complaint I have about the site is the colors used - it took me all of dozen minutes to go from "this looks awfully contrasted" to "the damn thing hurts." The price I pay for good nightvision and being able to tell apart colors quarter of a hue removed, I guess... (I was very inclined to just try looking at it with sunglasses, as I had already absolutely minimized the contrast and brightness of my laptop screen, but sadly both pairs of sunglasses I own were sitting on a shelf at my home more than two hundred kilometers away at that time.) As it turned out, though, I was not the only person to have problems looking at the site, so the admin added another theme (must commend them for listening to their users and acting on what they said) which is at least mostly viewable (barring the neon tags and some gray-on-teal text). Sadly the new theme is light, not dark, but eh, it is something, and I am quite certain that if we specifically asked for a "faded" dark theme, it would be added, too.)
The RP would probably be a bit annoying to move with how branched it has become, but if the majority desired so, I'd wager it could be done. As for me, I am willing to give Mahz's site one more chance now that he is allegedly doing something again, but I am not against moving the RP, either (and will certainly support it, should RPG persist to be more down than up for several more weeks despite the attempts to fix it).
Hrm ... Cast a vote?
To anyone concerned: I have all posts, so at least those are safe.
As for posting order: Legion/ASTA in one collab, Nessa in the other, Ashgan with Jillian, Merc/Rhae in Zerul? Don't think I can post myself, regrettably... I should also have more time from now on. Relatively, anyway. (Right now I may ramble, for I am overly tired. People waking me up at unfortunate times, mostly.)
@Veridis Quo: Just in case the site goes down for an elongated period of time (which we cannot say with absolute certainty won't happen), do you have some form of e-mail/Skype/etc you're willing to give out (not necessarily publicly; you can PM me)? It was quite the pain, gathering all the players back up when old RPG died...