The year is 2845 and people with powers have began appearing throughout the world, making up at least 20% of the world's population. At first the general public barely noticed these superhumans and when they were noticed it wasn't much of a big deal that these people were walking around. They acted like normal human beings and it was quite rare for a Superhuman to attack without reason and they were still under the same laws as everyone else. However, The Government just couldn't resist getting their hands on such powerful people and as a result, The Superhuman Control Squad was formed. It was made in order to capture them and force the Superhumans to work for them, serving as their soldiers. Now the Superhumans have been forced to hide, retreating to a forest and hiding underground, going by the name The Hidden Exiles. The Hidden Exiles have created an underground area called the Supermarket for superhumans on the run or without a home to live in, and in this area everyone has a role. No matter your age, you will always be placed into a group of about four people depending on how many are in the Hidden Exiles. In these groups, there's always a healer (or healers), a leader, and usually two fighters. The leader can be whomever is equipped for the role. Now The Hidden Exiles are forced to somehow keep their life going without being caught by the Superhuman Control Squad and possibly take them down. That shouldn't be to hard of a job.

- Be active but be considerate.

- You can only have ONE oc in the Superhuman Control Squad, and ONE in the Hidden Exiles.

- You must be human, but you can have a humanoid appearance that fits with your powers. That means no cat girls with wolf powers, but ice people with ice powers are allowed.

- No god-modding. Don't control other's characters, don't make your oc (nigh) omnipotent, if you get into a fight, get hit a few times.

- Superhumans can only have a limit of 5 powers. Those powers must be limited though; you cannot have an oc with absolute mind control, or can teleport anywhere they like, and again, no (nigh) omnipotent ocs. Also I recommend the powers somehow connect with each other. I don't like seeing someone with telekinesis and randomly have the ability to create wires. Try to theme your character.

- No insta-kills; you must get permission to kill another oc.

- No immortal ocs. You can have an oc with strong healing abilities, but they must have limits, like being able to be killed while asleep.

- If you want a plot to happens, especially one that affects the majority of people, ask me. We will then discuss if the plot is appropriate for the rp if I can't make an immediate decision.