Current status - Closed for now

I am tired as hell so I will keep this as simple as possible, I am only looking for one person for this RP.

  • I am going to put this first because it's the thing that bothers me the most and always will. Do not abandon me or take a break without telling me first please, it's only manners and it takes little time to do and I will offer you the very same courtesy. This may sound harsh but if I don't hear anything for more than a week then I am just going to drop the RP, I'm sick and tired of people not communicating though if you actually can't get a reply to me then of course I can accept that.
  • This is a mature RP, think of the game of thrones series and you'll get the gist of what to expect which I why I will only RP with someone who is 18 or older. I myself am 26.
  • Please post at least 2 paragraphs and offer me something to reply to and I shall do the same for you. Generally I do at least 2 paragraphs ranging from 200-500 words though it can increase if I feel the scene needs it or I am particularly inspired.
  • I can post a minimum of one a week though I strive to reply more often, this doesn't mean I have lost interest or motivation but life can get quite busy for me.
  • Let's push the story forward together yes? We don't want one of us doing all the legwork.

I'd like a little world building before we get into the RP itself, I set it to low fantasy though I would still like there to be a few different races though magic is incredibly rare and only a few still possess that power which they teach to very few or no one at all. I was thinking a cataclysmic event in the past had all but wiped magic off the face of our world, the same applies to mythical creatures that tend to hide from the majority of the populace which might be linked to this event. There will be scheming, backstabbing, betrayals, wars, despair, hope, violence, sex and much more!

I have to admit that after just watching the second last episode of game of thrones season 6, I really want an epic, bloody battle or two in this RP at some point. ^_^

I got the idea for my character after watching frankenstein-mountain walking around with Cersei and I wanted to do a RP with a similar dynamic. So my character is an elf and I'd like our two characters to have some sort of history: could be friendship, unrequited love, lovers or whatever but eventually my character is killed and made into an undead bodyguard. Necromancy, I imagine, would be be feared and even more rare than other magic but your characters family finds one such man or woman to bring him back to act as an eternal guardian for your character. He would always be encased in a suit of armour and his identity would remain a secret to your character for a while anyway. Eventually I would like for him to return to the land of the living again, I'm not too sure how but I want there to be a way to break his cursed life though I don't want it to be cheesy like falling in love or something. At the same time I'm not against it. xD

So he is completely undead, no heartbeat or blood, doesn't feel pain, is exceptionally hard to kill and is far stronger than he used to be. Whoever brought him back also allowed him to keep basic thought process and all the martial skills he had in life making him a dangerous killing machine who must obey every command given by your character unless it would threaten her own life. However his body is always decaying so he needs to consume fresh meat in order to continue his unlife or else he will return to a very disgusting corpse, at a very certain time he will leave your character's presence to eat the meat without her seeing him and her guards will take over the short while he is gone and this happens once every day. So the three things embedded into his mind that he must follow are to follow your characters commands, consume meat once a day (which overrides her command if she asks him not to leave though I did think of an interesting scenario in which she threatens to kill herself unless he stays at the exact time he has to leave) and keep her safe at all times no matter the cost.

I have never played such a character before so it will be an interesting experience for me and I hope I can find a partner who has the patience to let me get to grips with playing such a simple character to begin with.

Here is an image of my character!

So your character is an open book really though I pictured her being in a position of power like a princess or queen or high-ranking military officer. I would prefer her to be from a different race since I love the concept of clashing cultures and such, more or less anything goes really as long as she is at least partially humanoid. xD Human, another kind of elf, orc, vampire, dragon-shifter... the list is rather long at what I'd be fine with so just ask away please! A few ideas that I had that we can, but don;t have to implement, are her going into a cold-rage at my character's death and using her new bodyguard to kill and toy with others or perhaps kill and threaten her way into even greater power using an unholy monstrosity. There's a lot that can go on really and though I feel I am missing some details out I am too tired to go on, besides I made this interest longer than I wanted to already. I hope you can forgive me for this mess of a post. =|

If you are interested or have questions please send me a PM, thank you for your time. =>