Dutchbag said
You'll be glad to hear that MagnificentOne and I are about to spice this game up.
I'm sure anything that Lenin has to offer will spice shit up... ;)
Dutchbag said
You'll be glad to hear that MagnificentOne and I are about to spice this game up.
Dutchbag said
Capitalism has been out-collabd.AegonVI, the USSR wanted to but because Mao kept what was basically daring people to nuke him, Khruschev didn't.
MagnificentOne said
Dutchbag said
The modern PRC is essentially what Chiang would've wanted.
MagnificentOne said
Chiang would be quite pleased with the PRC right now, whereas Mao would be utterly horrified.
The Nexerus said
To be fair, the modern PRC isn't very communist, and certainly not what Mao would've wanted.
Jannah said
Modern China is more capitalist than America.
The Nexerus said
The difference is that Chiang wouldn't have killed twenty million people in between. Mao was responsible for more than twice as many civilian deaths as Hitler.