So many dancing bananas
MurderedLove said
So many dancing bananas
Sloth said
Back in my day, we just got Avatars based on our usernames.Now you got all these dancing bananas going around, pollutin' muh web space. Get off my lawn, you pieces of fruit-filth.
Doivid said
You'll be the first to die:)
Jorick said
The fact that these dancing banana gifs are all from some stash of yours rather than pulled from searches is rather disturbing, Mahz. I think you might need to seek help for.. whatever the hell this is.
Completlie said
Reaction to all this: What is this thing?I shouldn't have tread into the Spam Forum.
Metronome said
We come lay down our souls in hopes that Mahz will take pity on us and give us avatars.
The One said
The One wishes for an avatar.