If we have some of the accepted players who fall into idleness or disappear (almost an inevitability), you'll be first on the waiting list Sizzlin' Bacon. Post an application if you'd like and it'll be archived.
Asuras said
>0 in Reproduction: Literally cannot produce offspring>0 in Toughness: made of jelly>0 in Morale: Literally commit suicide if they lose>0 in Psyche: Still can't use tools>0 in Industry: Igloos
ASTA said
To be fair, being formed of jelly is probably preferable than being formed of a harder material. Hard materials break, while gelatinous material generally deforms when impacted. Igloos, however, are the master race when it comes to architecture. Simple, sturdy and rather cheap.
Theodorable said
If we have some of the accepted players who fall into idleness or disappear (almost an inevitability), you'll be first on the waiting list Sizzlin' Bacon. Post an application if you'd like and it'll be archived.
Damo021 said
So anything less than 2 in the stats can be really bad then if 2 is average with anything higher than that being good when you only have ten points to play with.
ASTA said
To be fair, being formed of jelly is probably preferable than being formed of a harder material. Hard materials break, while gelatinous material generally deforms when impacted.
Asuras said
Having a gelatinous body isn't going to protect from piercing weapons, AKA firearms.
Theodorable said
I'll put you on the waiting list, Madhog. My apologies. Did not see you, little buddy!
NacNak said
umm... what about mine? =3
Xaxl said
Wait your turn.