RolePlayerRoxas said
He's busting out the Kumagawa, we can't push him any further.IT'S WOLF GIRL FRAWR RAWR EWGEBLVNWEBLWNFBE;KW
Insert doggie style joke here
RolePlayerRoxas said
He's busting out the Kumagawa, we can't push him any further.IT'S WOLF GIRL FRAWR RAWR EWGEBLVNWEBLWNFBE;KW
Asura said
In due time, it'll happen. Sweet Sakanade x Faunus smoochin'.YOU DON'T EVEN PLAY PASCALE, STUPID GRIZEL.
Reaper said
Insert doggie style joke here
Asura said
When I introduce Lyndsey, Grizel is the first to get a face full of butt for this.
Krayzikk said
I log on after a long weekend, glad to be back home, preparing to catch up on what I've missed...And the first thing I see is this....Good to know that this place is the same as ever. XD
Asura said
When I introduce Lyndsey, Grizel is the first to get a face full of butt for this.
Asura said
I'm not propelling the harem theme in this RP further by literally throwing girls at your character. I have standards!
Asura said
When I introduce Lyndsey, Grizel is the first to get a face full of butt for this.
Sixsmith said
You realize that eventually all the lynx butts are belong to harem protag Alistair.#YouCantEscapeTheHarem
Asura said
I will disband the harem with a well aimed wire below the belt. If I must sacrifice Alistair's manhood to stop this conspiracy, by dust I will do it.
Sixsmith said
Cutting it off will just start a scavenger hunt. Unless... You eat it. Le dirty gasp.
Sixsmith said
You also realize how dirty that sounds?Also Erode, I was silently shipping a person with someone else they had fully and completely set their slutty little eyes on. *cough*But... Morella/Tarkus/Zoll, Grizel/Daiki/Sword, Reya/Orion (Actually really Orion/Isaac), Isaac/Arara (Racism begets racism begets angry racist sex), Pascale/NobodyQQ, Ollie/Rygar/Rygar'sDrugs, and Ali/TheRestofTheGirlsandBoys.
LimeyPanda said
I was threatening Sixsmith.Alistar doesn't deserve castration yet.
Asura said
I will disband the harem with a well aimed wire below the belt. If I must sacrifice Alistair's manhood to stop this conspiracy, by dust I will do it.
Krayzikk said
asura threatened castrationsuch violenceand directed at an innocent seventeen year old