Naomi's not a good fit for leader, at least not right now. And, u-u-u-ugh...Justice is a good word, and even if it's six letters, it's only two syllables, but there's prolly other words to pick from. :P
I'll also spill a little bit, we'll be having one person be appointed a kind of team organizer, the team leader when they're at school and training. When on a mission, a new leader can be picked for that particular mission, if their skill set is more suited to lead it than another. That can, and usually will, be the same person as the organizer, but not always. So everyone on the team will be able to get leadership experience, it's good for when they graduate.
I can see her not liking Alpha all that much, though I figured she'd like the implication of being first. But I still think Astro whatever would be good, although my Co-GM's think otherwise. XP Also realized we could use Omega, though it's not very pretty. :P And she can leech of 'im, she'd just need to grab him, it could possibly be used as some kinda combo. Aura shouldn't have a high regen time, so Ollie'd prolly be side-lined for awhile after that, unless mehbeh him having less overall means he can get back in the game quicker too. :/ I dunno, not important now, I guess. Prolly just cross that bridge when we come to it. XP
And she may not be a jerk herself, but at the beginning, she'll prolly hang with 'em more than her team. Sowwee, getting close to her might take some doin'. :P
Ugh, fine, but that means I have to have 3 new characters. XP Though I think he'd work well with Khan, actually, they'd be good for a stealth group, o-o-o-o-o-oh... :D
And how come all your suggestions have a billion letters, they can't be the only ones you can find. XD