Lucius Cypher said
Yup. That means, at any moment, I could drop the Unicorn on you. Or the hydra. Or make you run into a nest of Myrmidons. Or have BB show up for no reason at all. Okay I probably can't do that last part, but I could still do a lot of things. All I need to do... Is wait. And watch. And destroy,
So, like, is Nefarious like... trying to kill everyone? =(
I knew it. He made us do all of this work getting to the test just to throw it in our face and tell us, "YOLKS ON YOU! YOU ALL DIE."
Wow. Such plot twist. Much sadness. Many death.
Nefarious Prime said
Yep, sur-r-r-rprii-i-i-ise. :P Hum, I was gonna have Naomi meet up with the Jerks first, to do something cool to cement them as actually credible threats before Naomi goes with her team, bu-u-ut I might include Pascale in their thingie as well. It might be easier to partner them up first, and mehbeh Pascale agrees to help her meet up with her friends or something. :P
I guess they could... like, strike a bargain. :OO