It's like a nuke hit?
Kaga said
I've been playing ROM Check Fail and watching What the Fuck is Wrong With You.
natsumehack said
Oh hey romcheck fail didn't think any spammer knew of that game.
Kaga said
It's a glitchy crossover of retro games.That's three of my favorite things all in one. :D
natsumehack said
YOu like glitchs?
Kaga said
Where the hell have you been?I've only worn about five different Missingno sets in my time in Spam, and I've talked to you about glitches here on the forums as well as in PM's/VM's twice.
natsumehack said
remember my memories of PMing you are pretty hazzy, and the most I remember was some hazzy conversation with you that broke my will to fan fiction.
Kaga said
Yes. I remember you mentioning that hazy conversation quite recently here on the forums.But you seriously can't remember a single other time I've implied that I like glitches? Come on.
natsumehack said
My memory has been failing me these pass few months, i have forgotten a lot about the fourm i was on before RPG, and I am consistency having trouble remembering a lot of stuff of the old guild.
Kaga said
That's... kind of sad.I feel like you should have those memory issues checked out. Seriously. :/
Kaga said
That's... kind of sad.I feel like you should have those memory issues checked out. Seriously. :/
BrobyDDark said
Nat has no clue I wiped his memories to bring upon Spam's inevitable destruction.
natsumehack said
Or I am having a memory gambit for anyone that visits tv tropes.
BrobyDDark said
Shh. SpamFall is inevitable.
BrobyDDark said
Shh. SpamFall is inevitable.