Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Is that going to be a problem?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Lost Cause said
Is that going to be a problem?

No man, Birth is best. I got all of his Figuarts and everything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

original content donut steel

• Name: Arx Stone

• Age: 22

• Gender: Male

• Appearance:
Normal (Ignore the tongue tattoo...)
Kamen Rider Crystal
• Power:
Geo Driver: A mysterious Rider Belt that has a large round sphere attached to the front. On top is a small slot where Arx inserts his Shard Keys. The force breaks open the geode and reveals the color of the shard that was used, and the crystals on his suit change to the color as well. His visor always remains green.

Shard Keys: Thin, five inch shards that Arx thrusts into the top of his belt. Each gives a different power. The ones not in use are attached to his shoulders like a Captains mantle.
~Emerald! Energize!~ Crystal's base form, the gems on his body are green and sharp. His basic weapon is a short spear with a jackhammer at the end.
~Ruby! Ratta Tat Tat!~ The gems turn red and are more elongated. Weapon is a small rapid fire gun that shoots little ruby rivets.
~Sapphire! Smash!~ The gems turn blue and the suit itself becomes bulkier. Higher base strength, as well as small drills on the knuckles.
~Topaz! Tantalize!~ The gems turn yellow and become more angular. Weapon is an extendable chain with an elaborate grapple on the end.
(Might add more as we progress, don't wanna start out with too much)

Crystal's finisher is achieved by inserting any number of Shard Keys in a sequence. The finisher is based on what Shard Keys were entered.

• Faction: Factionless

• World of Origin: Earth

• Personality: This guy rocks. Knowledgable and witty, Arx is quick on his toes. Rarely does he feel down or remorseful. He focuses on the task at hand and nothing else until it's finished. A real Boy Scout you could say. As likable as he is, he can be incredibly tacky and gaudy. Strange jewelry hangs from his arms, ears, and neck, varying every day, and he can be obnoxiously loud and showy. His constantly wears a smile, even when walking alone through the city, almost creepily. His eye posture may seem like he is giving you a condescending stare, but most of the time, it's purely because he's smiling so darn much. It's a miracle he can see at all. Despite his intelligence, he is usually the last to understand what is going on or what is at stake. He will turn his head back and forth looking at everyone with a puzzled look until he realizes. Then he's right back to that gaudy grin. Sometimes, you just hate that you love the guy.

• Backstory: An young and established Geoscientist, Arx's passion has always been about the Earth. Not in that "Hippy-Duuuude" way, but as in the planet itself. The Geology department from the college he had studied at called him back shortly after graduating to show him something truly astounding. The had developed a belt that would allow the wearer to explore the deep underground of the Earth and not be bothered by the intense pressure or heat. For those not in the usual loop, Geoscience is a field dominated by old guys. Even with a special suit, none of them would last long due to the effects of arthritis, blood pressure, and all the other stuff we dread about getting old. Arx's enthusiasm attracted their interest, and he became the prime candidate. Once preparations were complete, the team handed Arx the Geo Driver and the Emerald Shard Key. In a reenactment of his childhood shows, Arx made quite a display activating it. He placed the Emerald Shard Key at the top opening of the Driver, and as he pressed down, he shouted "Henshin!" in a joking manner. He posed by snapping his finger into a point, and soon his body was covered the the green crystals that the team had described. The belt was a success.

Arx's first exploration was his one and only. He was lowered into a deep volcanic crevice. Something was off though. Despite the usual heat of the magma located in the Mantle, everything was stiff and solid. He found himself in a small room. Curious, he detached his Jack-Spear-Hammer from his back and began digging into the solid earth beneath him. After not making any progress, he heard a loud rumble behind him. There stood an enormous monster. It looked like a large stone bear, with glowing veins of lava running down its body. At first fright gripped Arx, but realizing that he held potential to fight the monstrosity off, he persevered. After many blows back and forth, Arx shoved his weapon into the chest of the creature, and activated it. With a loud rumble, the beast crumbled into pebbles and dust. Arx looked in the direction the monster has come from, and noticed a very peculiar wall. It almost looked like...a portal. Cautiously...he entered it...

• Quote: "Dazzling the Stage!" (Transformation line)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Signing up as a second character that I really would like to RP.

• Name: Antimony Carver
• Age: 14
• Gender: Female
• Appearance: Here.
• Power: Annie is descended from fire elementals. However, because she's still young and learning her powers, she has to use this gem called a Blinker Stone as a tool in controlling it. These powers are the ability project her soul outside her body, move objects with her soul, and use fire magic for various things, even encasing her whole body in fire (though she doesn't like to do this often because it causes burns in her clothing.)
• Faction: Factionless
• World of Origin: Gunnerkrigg Court
• Personality: Annie is a very intelligent and resourceful girl who has a strange way of getting along well with fantastical being, more so than she does most humans. She is generally calm and collected, showing maturity that goes beyond those normally the same age as her. Not that she can't have her immature moments, she just tends to internalize them or they come out at bad socially awkward situations that makes her look more jerkish than she intended. Besides that, she is very brave and is trying very hard to be more kind and open to people to varying degrees of success.
• Backstory: Her mother, Surma, died in Good Hope hospital when Antimony was ten. Her father was a surgeon there. Whilst at the hospital, Antimony met spirits and Psychopomps. It was her mothers' wish that she continue her education as Gunnerkrigg Court. While there, she made a few friends out of her fellow classmates, some of the robots, and fantastical creatures that called the Court their home. One such creature that took an interest in her was a god-like entity known as Coyote. It was Coyote who teleported the girl onto the island, both as a prank and as a means of testing her.
• Quote: "I've noticed an odd duality while I've been at the Court. In the subjects taught, the students, and... things... that happen."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I know I edited this post, but I accept Rochefort.

Krein said
I know what you mean, and actually yeah, most of the Red Lanterns were originally just that. Mindless rage monsters. However, in the wiki and in the comics, they've recently been changed so that they can have actual rational and coherent thoughts and do other things aside from just roar and spew napalm blood and stuff.......Over complicated explanation. In short, while the Red Lanterns are powered and consumed by rage they are still capable of rational thought. Rankorr, one of the newer Lanterns was even shown to try and talk his way out of a fight he wanted no part in.

Hm... Well, you improved your chances of acceptance, that's for sure. I do want to think a bit more about this before deciding, still.

OtomostheCrazy said
One of your NPCs? Or do I have to come up with one? I ask this, because Ornstein isn't from earth, but the world of Dark souls. Will he still be teleported to Museum island?

One of my NPCs.

FerriteFox said

Well, if you wanna be specific, this RPG was based off a Rider RPG with the same premise, just expanded to include other fandoms and have a massive, Kingdom Hearts-like setting.

I'll have a look at the two applications tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Mhm, I'd really understand if the CS is rejected again though. I've noticed that a lot of the characters that have been accepted are... more "cutesy" I guess, and something like a Red Lantern would honestly be a bit out of place around them. I could tone down his person to a more "child friendly" version like they did with the animated series, but it won't be as fun for me...

Plus, I know nothing about Kamen Rider or whatever, and seeing as that seems to influence this RP a lot.... yeah...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Actually, all the problems do seem to be addressed as far as I know, so I shall accept him.

Now to look at the other applicants.

Ooooh, I like Kamen Rider Crystal. Him and Antimony are accepted unless I come across a problem that needs to be addressed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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None of my characters are Riders, eh-heh. ^^;

Shiori I guess has an outfit inspired kind of by a character from a Kamen Rider series, but she is an OC who has a Goku Uniform and pilots a Knightmare frame...

... And Katsumi was inspired by... I'm not sure actually but something very hotblooded. And swords.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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For the record, most, if not all the characters I plan to play, NPC or otherwise, aren't Riders. There's only one I can distinctly say is a Rider, though he's 1) an NPC and 2) planned out when I was worldbuilding Zyguard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So does the NPC just teleport the new accepted characters to Museum Island?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Also, I need some clarification the backstory part Does it mean I have to explain how he got to Museum island too?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Most of the time yes. But it can just happen in the RP too.

Um, I know I'm not GM but I know that...

Also, um, slight change of plans and I'll be going with canon Mikoto, since it's easy to interpret things to go with what I wanted anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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OtomostheCrazy said
So does the NPC just teleport the new accepted characters to Museum Island?

Also, I need some clarification the backstory part Does it mean I have to explain how he got to Museum island too?

Well, she will at an early point in the RPG (like, the first page or so, but it won't be the opening post. This is to help establish the characters for the RPG) Once the RPG kicks off and we go to the first world, NPCs get teleported to whichever faction they choose, or in the middle of the current world if they are factionless.

You don't have to. That's why I have the NPC do the mass teleportation. Originally, that would be the case, but I was convinced to do the teleporting NPC. So there, if you don't want to come up with an explanation, you could let the NPC teleport you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alright. I guess I'll leave it up to you. If you're fine woth that of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

(Please keep in mind that some of thia ia made from theories and lore in the game)
• Name: Dragonslayer Ornstein
• Age: over 1000 years (theorized. The game doesn't tell the ages of Boss characters)
• Gender: Male
• Appearance:

(I can't find a good Iimage showing how large Ornstein is compared to humans, but I will say he's definitely taller)
• Power: In-Game he harnesses the power of offensive-type miracles (in other words, he just harnesses the power of electricity, or lightning as it's called in Dark Souls)

Ornstein is agile, making him fast, but not exactly super speed. For instance, he can dash short distances, but can still be seen and dodged/blocked.

Ornstein also has the ability to glide. (Mind you, it's only used in a thrust attack, so he can't just do it on a regular basis)

He wields the Dragonslayer Spear and Leo Ring. The Leo ring is basically a ring that's been enchanted to enhance strength, while the Dragonslayer Spear is strong enough to break through boulders and dragon scales. Ornstein can also channel electricity Into the spear, shocking anything that latches onto It, as long as they aren't Immune or that resistant to electricity (note that he doesn't do the same with his armor. There's something similar, but It's an attack that only lasts one second. If he could channel electricity Into his armor, then not only be overpowered, It would make the original game more prone to rage quits than It already Is)

Ornstein's fighting style mixes his mastery of spear-wielding with his electricity manipulation and/or agility. He holds a small variety of "special fighting techniques." These are:
The Gliding Thrust, where he jumos into the air and dashes toward his enemy while still off the ground, ready to stab them.
Lightning Bolt , where he charges and launches a bolt of Lightning from either his spear or his hand.
and the Lightning Bonzai Drop , where he jumps into the air, charges electricity, and slams onto the ground, causing electricty to spread a few feet from the point of impact for 1 second.
• Faction: Zygard
• World of Origin: Dark Souls (World name is also not made known to players of the video game, sorry)
• Personality: (This is based off of his actions in the game and theories) Ornstein is honorable and respectdul toward allies and acquaintances. He carries memories of hia loyalty to his Lord Gwyn, and still harbors his loyalty to his goddess, praying before setting off Iin a kourney or venturing into battle.
• Backstory: Dragon Slayer Ornstein is one of the Four Knights of Gwyn as well as their presumed captain. He is a mighty warrior renowned for hunting Dragons with his spear. He used the power of his spear and the Ring given to him by his lord Gwyn to imbue him with enough power to slice boulders in two. He is clad in golden armor made to resemble a lion, imbued with the power of lightning. It is said that his lugged spear could slice a boulder in two. Lord Gwyn split some of his lord soul and gave it to his knights, including Ornstein. Before his former Lord Gwyn became corrupted, he was given an order to protect Gwyn's daughter, Gwynevere. Executioner Smough was also given this task. Together, the two defeated many would-be adventurer in their efforts to protect the princess.
Eventually they had to face the chosen undead in battle. Smough was first to fall, followed by Ornstein. They revived as undead at a bonfire in Anor Londo, and parted ways, no longer hindering the Chosen Undead's path. After restoring his form with a humanity sprite, Ornstein traversed his world, slaying dragons and demons to maintain his fighting ability. Eventually he learned of the Chosen undead's decision to bring about the Age of Dark, returning his full mortality.
With knowledge that all undead could finally be permanently vanquished, Ornstein travelled his world to fight against the hollowed. During his travels, he suddenly finds himself within a foreign land.
• Quote: (He doesn't have dialogue in the game, but he gives a silent prayer for his fallen comrade during his and Smough's boss battle)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You remind me of Garo.

And sweet, I'm glad GM liked Crystal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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• Name: Yuuka Kazami
• Age: Unknown, implied to be very damn old.
• Gender: Female
• Appearance: Clearly the nicest person you'll ever meet.
• Power:
• • Flight - She can fly. It's really cool.
• • Control over flowers. She can, like, grow flowers. And talk to them.
• • Very high power and an extremely durable body.
• • Is able to make a clone of herself. Mostly used to fire a second Master Spark.
• Faction: None.
• World of Origin: Touhou
• Personality: It's difficult to tell exactly with this person. She's very well known for dark, vile and downright sadistic comments and actions that have earned her a terrifying reputation. However, she's also very well known for her kindness, often appearing at various parties throughout Gensokyo to socialise, and is constantly on the move according to the seasons in order to watch flowers bloom. For the most part, she seems to really just be a relatively harmless youkai, but she is certainly not above playing the antagonist for the hell of it. The best way to ever avoid potential wrath from this woman is to either be a child or a plant. Oh, and never do a thing to bring harm to those things, either. She very much disapproves of such things,
• Backstory: Aside from being mis-blamed for two separate Incidents relatively recently, Yuuka has not done anything of note, at least since she moved to Gensokyo/Dream World Place Thing. Due to boredom, she asked a certain someone in Gensokyo to drop her off somewhere interesting, and... now she's playing as the Wild Card to some conflict in order to kill time.
• Quote: "I'll burn you into a mist of atoms~"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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So I posted this a while back in the original signups, but I decided I wanted to change her powerset because I actually hadn't seen a single episode of the series it came from. And after spending far too long thinking about what to replace it with, I finally figured something out. So here's my villain character I guess.

• Name: Yagami Raiko
• Age: 18
• Gender: Female
• Appearance: Whee.
• Power: The powers of a Devil Fruit; specifically, the Float-Float Fruit. Despite it being a rather powerful Devil Fruit, she is most likely currently unaware of its full potential.
• Faction: Dai-Black Cross Army
• World of Origin: Earth
• Personality: The easiest way to describe Raiko is as an arrogant bitch, really. She considers herself to be the perfect human, a being that is inherently superior to all others. Raiko is obsessed with perfection; she will not accept anything less, and as she sees only herself as the perfect human she is rather dismissive of all others. However, despite her arrogance, she is also intelligent; if the odds start to turn against her she will reluctantly fall back or try and figure out a plan to turn things back to her favour. She may have beaten death once, but she's not exactly looking for a rematch anytime soon.
• Backstory: Raiko seemed to have everything. Her family was well off, she was beautiful and always top of the class... Honestly, it didn't take long for her to develop a complex. And she never saw it coming... She was inherently superior to everyone else, after all, and everyone around her couldn't help but love her. Why would anyone harbour a grudge against her? Why would anyone be driven so far as to try and take her down in a hit and run? She never did find out who did it, but it had a profound effect on her life. For one thing, it ended it. After spending a few days comatose in the hospital, she seemed to have passed away... And a few minutes later, she woke up. The doctors proclaimed it a miracle, but Raiko knew better. She had beaten back death itself. She had become the perfect human, and death itself was beneath her. And it was clear to her now what her destiny was... She would stand above all humans, ruling as the perfect being, unfettered by weakness or morality. And she felt something calling her... To an island where she would find the final thing she needed to complete her evolution...
• Quote: "I am to other humans as they are to the filth that first crawled out of the primordeal seas. What makes them think they can even hope to touch perfection?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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alright thanks for the acceptence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

• Name: Misaka Mikoto, A Certain Scientific Railgun
• Age: 14-15
• Gender: Female
• Appearance: "~Only my Railgun can shoot it~"
• Power: I could explain them but this is so much easier. ^^;
• Faction: Um... still trying to decide on that so WIP
• World of Origin: Toaruverse
• Personality: While Mikoto often appears to many who do not know her as a proper lady, she is in fact short-tempered and prideful. She is often quite impatient and has a tendency to try and deal with any problems herself, refusing to wait for help. She can also be somewhat childish, and she has a strong selfish and competitive streak. In addition, she is rather easily flustered and embarrassed. However, at the same time, she can be very easy-going and friendly if something has not angered her. Mikoto also... only kind of secretly has an adoration for cute things, especially the frog mascot Gekota. She owns a variety of Gekota merchandise. She also frequently reads manga in her spare time. While she can be selfish and competitive, Mikoto also has an interest in helping others and cares deeply for those close to her. However, her lack of patience means that she could never be part of Academy City's Judgement(though she temporarily fakes being part of it so people will come to her for help at one point). She has a strong sense of justice and is frequently involved with the crime-fighting organization regardless. Mikoto will solidly avoid doing permanent harm to her enemies unless pushed into it, out of necessity or how angry they have made her.
• Backstory: Um... probably WIP too need to sort out exactly what I'll put here. ^^;
• Quote: “Sorry about that. I’m pretty pissed off, so I can’t guarantee that I’ll hold back next time."

Um, a couple parts are WIP but there's enough to judge if she'll be acceptable I think.
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