Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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• Name: Haika (They have no last name in her world.)

• Age: She is roughly 4000, but looks 6

• Gender: Female

• Appearance:

• Power: Haika is a Moda, which means she can fly/levitate and feel the emotion of those nearby. Having been reverted to a younger version of herself, she is back to having limited endurance and is only able to levitate a few feet off of the ground for a short period of time.

• Personal powers: She is both an alchemist and a void/air enhancer, which means she is a fighter whom is able to use magic to aid her attacks.
(An example of what an Enhancer is able to do is: creating a dark vortex around your fist, using a charm that makes everyone around you have better breathing capabilities, or running fast using wind magic.)Threw out the thread she may realize

• Faction: Factionless (for now)

• World of Origin: Terrada - A world where human like species live in fear of giant monsters and raging earthquakes on a daily basis you're ability to use magic is the only thing that can help you fight them. The creatures can range from anything from a large rat like creature to a seven headed serpent, and some are even ductile like a whale dragon (which Haika is named after).

• Personality: Despite being a powerful Moda and clever despite her young age, Haika would rather be in action then working as a diplomat. She gets bored if she’s not moving around or meeting new people, and was extremely energetic even before the accident. Combining this with her need for solitude it makes a weird combination,Though this doesn't stop her from helping others in a attempt to redeem herself, although shes struggling to do her size. She often pretends to be a child around people she just met as it is easier for her. Her ability to read emotions makes her rather sympathetic though.

• Backstory: (I'm going extremely short rather then long and have to explain a lot of details about her world so it makes sense. So sorry for it being so short.)
When Haika was little she was often sent to get food. Struggling with a lacking sense of responsibility and her inability to focus on a task for long, she lost the food. Unwilling to deal with the repercussions, as being a immature Moda she struggled to handle feeling direct strong emotions of displeasure aimed at her. she struck out on her own where she was forced to learn a hunter-skill set. When she realized that she would have a constant change of scenery on top of not suffering the social implications of dealing with people constantly or with their problems, she decided that the Hunter life chose her.Because of her willingness to take risks, good luck and better natural skill, she would take on hunting expeditions others would balk at.
Though she showed great promise of striking out as one of the better hunters, she instead scaled back as she fell in love with another hunter. Although Haika gave up her missions she was still sent them, and burned them when found. Though on one specific instance her spouse had found the letter, and felt as though they were not up to par with Haika do to her lying about her skill as a hunter. They took on the mission to prove that they were worth being Haika's spouse still{Cultural thing.), and ended up dying on the mission. Haika began to feel terrible greif for lying, and would sit around the house living on nothing, but her funds from the past. This led Haika to suicide, choosing to make a potion that would kill her, and make up for the trouble she had caused her spouse, and others throwout her life. Apparently her alchemy skills weren't as good as she thought, and the potion ended up changing her back to her 6 year old body. Waking up feeling the suns warmth, she felt as though some moon spirit must have spared her life, and thus feeling forever indebted to them. Upon seeing a fortune teller, she was given a bit of advice on how to redeem herself for her spouses death, and attempting to commit suicide.. Her guidance led Haika to an unusual machine that seemed to be created by the dwarves. Upon the meddling of a strange flying talking cat called Kinsa the machine activated and both of them were warped to a strange island.

• Quote: "I'm actually kinda used to being tiny, just not to other humans.(It's global if you look like human you're called humans in her world)"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, judging.

Ornstein looks good, and thus he's accepted.

Yuuka is accepted.

Raiko looks good as well, and I like that the power comes with its own limit addressing the ban on human-based telekensis. Accepted.

Misaka's powers seem good, so I'll accept her.

... Okay, I'm sort of confused with this one, Cake. The age thing, while you addressed it as complex... is exactly that.

Also, you haven't filled in the faction data field, which is sort of important in the sense that I need to know which faction she belongs to, if at all.

The grammar makes it a bit hard to follow, sometimes, though it's only the lack of punctuation that seems to be the problem.

There's also that power that is hard to explain and I have to accept you to see it in action, even when one detail says "effects the physical world" which sounds like a bad sign for me. Could you at least outline a few examples?

There's also the backstory... Which seemed to be summed up as "SUFFERING!", and quite frankly, there's just so much sadness you can insert into a character before they become over-the-top. I'm not exactly sure what to think... Everything about this just makes me shake my head and go... "Yeeeaaah, no."

I apologize about this. I really do. Your character does sound very woobie material, but I just don't feel it fitting in JTTM.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: John Shirkwood

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: A blonde man with greenish, tired eyes and a red sweatshirt, John usually wears jeans.

Powers: The Ginga Spark, allowing him to use Spark Dolls to take on the form and abilities of a monster or hero depicted by them. He'd start with Spark Dolls for the monsters Birdon, Astron, the Extradimensional Train, the Valkyrian, and the Kemurian. However, included with this device is the powerful Ultraman Ginga, a titan of light from nebula M-87.

Super Volcanic Chickenbeast, Birdon: Birdon, as its title implies, is a giant chicken kaiju. It can fly at a fairly quick pace, breathe fire, create powerful winds by flapping its wings, and has a deadly poison in its beak.

The Violent Monster, Astron: To be added.

The Extradimensional Train: Unlike John's other spark dolls, this does not transform him into the monster in question. Rather, it summons a vehicle for his use. The Extradimensional Train is capable of traveling between dimensions, as well as flight, which is slightly more impressive as it does not need rails to do so (cough-cough denliner cough). Also it is a train.

D-10 Drillroid: A monster capable of drilling through the earth at fair speeds. It's also made of drills and capable of using them in a fight.

Space Fisherman Valkyrian: Valky, to hear him say it, is the most fabulous of aliens. He is also capable of changing size, but his energy blasting powers are an annoyance to his foes at best. His real power is in his golden weapon.

The Kemurian, Phantom Kidnapper: The Kemurian is capable of running at highway speeds, changing from human to giant size, and has magical teleportation goo that is highly flammable and shoots out of the nozzle on its head.


World of Origin: Earth

Personality: Had someone said Had someone said "Take this fancy trinket, these awesome monster dolls, and go beat up evil things" he would have jumped at the call. Granted, he'd probably ask to be paid for the use of his image, but that would just be to pay the bills. He's a man of moderate intelligence and has a patchwork knowledge of many subjects, mostly involving biology, computers, and physics, although nothing too specialized. He's torn between how awesome being a superhero is and how weird his various forms are.

Bio: An American with a love of all things superhero, he's visiting the island to take a break from college. His family's a little rough right now, but hopefully a vacation's just what he needs. Besides, ruins are awesome.

Quote: "A chicken, not-zilla, a golden dancing fisherman, a lobster-beetle thing with laserclaws, and... I don't even know what the heck Kemurian is. I should be glad I didn't get Lizardon."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Um, I made a couple of edits to Rachel's profile. Added in an extra card that will pretty much just serve to let her get around the multiverse and a couple of extremely minor additions to her backstory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

I fixed it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, let's get around to judging.

John is accepted.
Age is simplified. Check.

Powers are neatly explained. Check.

World is better explained. Check.

As for the backstory... This is where I run into some problems.Instead of running away due to fear of being abused by her parents, she instead ran away because she screwed up one single chore. The next part was okay, but then there's the driven to suicide bit. What exactly is she punishing herself for? She essentially made a potion for the intent of having her suffer through every painful moment of her life before dying... Why? I mean, it would make sense she would try to commit suicide after her love has died, but couple this with the running away because she messed up with her chores, it just makes it... Well, I mentioned before how the previous back story just seemed to be over-the-top, and here, it's over-the-top for a different reason. Now it's Haika that's going over-the-top.

"Welp, my love died. Time for me to make myself suffer a horrible and painful death."

I do like her realization that she has a second shot at life, but everything else just seems... unnecessary? The grammar has improved, I will admit. It's fixed, but there's still a bit more to fix.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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Fixded everything but adding a bit to personality.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I did some work on my two CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not sure I can do this anymore too much breakdown sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Member Offline since relaunch

aww alright good luck in your future rp endevours then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Considering how most people changed their profiles, I'm gonna check through the profiles one last time before opening up the RPG.

  • Beta is still ignored due to the lack of a filled in power field. To fix this, explain what powers, if any, he has.

  • Tachi said Power: Rachel has the power of being nowhere near Museum Island.

  • I am not sure why the heck you've changed your power, but I can clearly see you don't feel like playing for now. Consider your acceptance revoked until you manage to stop being silly about this.

  • Alright, Eemmtt, you've changed your profile to have the Devil Fruit in mind. While I do like these ideas, the problem I have is the grammar. While I like the profiles, just keep in mind that a lot of these people know how to do grammar. The worst case scenario is that when you interact with others, the people will be confused by the grammar. Now, if you think grammar isn't all that much of a big deal, then let me allude you to the "Let's eat grandma"/"Let's eat, grandma" problem. I do have hope for you and your profiles, so I won't reject them so much as hold them back until I feel your grammar has improved.

  • Alright, after some thinking, I've decided to accept Scorn for now, at least until something comes to my attention that'll challenge said acceptance or if rude behavior causes me to reconsider.

  • Okay. Haika has changed considerably. A lot of changes were good. She's accepted for now, at least until something comes to my attention that'll challenge said acceptance or if rude behavior causes me to reconsider.

  • [/list]

    And with that, may the odds be ever in your favor!

    {whisper whisper}

    Wait, you mean this isn't the Reaping? I brought the wrong cue cards?

    {whisper whisper}

    Ooooooh... I just messed up that last line... Okay.


    Wait, you're telling me the OP is ready? Right now?


    ... Let's do this!

    OOC here, IC here
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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    mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

    Member Seen 2 hrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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    FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Rin, I like how you COMPLETELY ripped off Momotaros' introduction in the show. I had a little laugh.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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    Member Seen 1 hr ago

    Honestly, doing it any other way would've just felt wrong. XD
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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    Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

    Member Seen 3 days ago

    Rin said
    Honestly, doing it any other way would've just felt wrong. XD

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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    Lost Cause

    Member Seen 1 mo ago

    • Name: Hibiki Tachibana
    • Age: 15
    • Gender: Female
    • Appearance:
    • Power: Carries shards of the relic Gungnir in her body, effectively making her the Japanese schoolgirl version of Tony Stark. Only without the alcohol. Or the billions. But still totally the Japanese schoolgirl version of Tony Stark. However, the fact that her relic is even less complete than the so-called “incomplete” ones means she has to rely on fist-fighting for her attacks due to her inability to generate an “Armed Gear”. Did I mention that said relic is powered by hot-blooded singing?

    Of course, she also has a tendency to go completely berserk and feral under significant emotional stress, but let’s just hope it never comes down to that.
    • Faction: Zyguard
    • World of Origin: World of Senki Zesshou Symphogear
    • Personality: Hibiki's a kind-hearted, cheerful girl, who despite being a bit aloof occasionally still enjoys helping people; this is one of the reasons she fights the Noise using her Relic, although it could be argued she didn't really get a choice in the matter.
    • Backstory: Hibiki was just an ordinary schoolgirl. At least until an… “incident” at a pop concert left her with shards of a powerful relic weapon lodged in her chest. And then she got roped into fighting cosmic monstrosities called the Noise, mostly on the grounds that people with relic weapons are the only ones who can even touch them without being reduced to piles of black dust. And then at some point Zyguard headhunted her from the JSDF.
    • Quote: "GEKISOU, GUNGNIR DA!"
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    I believe that I fixed the grammar errors in my CS.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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    Psyga315 From Shadows

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Alright, let's begin this round of judging with Tachi's new sheet. It's great. So Great, that I've decided to reaccept your sheet. Congratulations, you're now in the RPG.

    Now onto the others.

    I have a question to ask out of Kyzan: does she have any aliens currently registered? I ask this because it's like John's starting Spark Dolls or Rachel's Pokemon Shards. Is Kyzan starting out with zero aliens? Also, I'm a bit confused with the "Kyzan's child is born the exact same moment in every universe" bit. Do you mean all universes ever? Or all universes tied to Ben 10's World? I do like the profile, though I'm gonna wait a bit until these questions are answered for a better grasp of the situation.

    Hibiki's accepted.

    Alright, eemmtt. I'm gonna try something out. I'm gonna accept you and see how well that lasts. I do believe there's room for improvement, and I think that room is found in the RPG. So, I'm gonna finally accept the three applicants... The Multiversal Hunter Faction has me considering a character...
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