"Thanks," replied Shiranui, accepting Liam's offer
Noland and his Camerupt were soon at the battlefield ready for battle. He went over the rules for battle, saying it was a simple one-on-one battle with no time limit. "Give me your best shot!" he finished.
"Iroha, I choose you!" Shiranui sent his Kangaskhan out and the battle was on.
"Camerupt, Eruption!"
"Iroha, Low Kick! Mega Ring activate!" Shiranui activated his Mega Ring and while Iroha was enveloped in the energy of Mega Evolution, her baby jumped out of her pouch and the energy subsided. Camerupt's volcanic humps erupted with lava as Iroha and her child charged in, dodging the attack. Both mother and child attacked Camerupt's legs and Camerupt fell over for heavy damage from the two hits.
"Camerupt, Fissure!"
"Iroha, finish it off with Aqua Tail!" Camerupt stomped the battlefield, causing it to shake before giving the field another stomp. This time a beam of energy shot forth leaving a fissure in its wake. Iroha and her baby split up, dodging a one-hit knockout and both charged at Camerupt. With their tails wet, both mother and child gave Camerupt a whack. Camerupt fell over and Noland was a little gobsmacked over how quickly it was defeated.
Shiranui had won the Knowledge Symbol.