Name: Julien Louis Ciel Moreau LeFevbre
Nicknames and Aliases:
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 12th
Nationality: Purebred Frenchman
Languages: French is his first and only fluent language. He's slowly picking up some German.

Height: 5'0
Weight: 51 pounds
Eyes: Light baby blue, wide and quite large.
Hair: A medium shade of brown, silky in texture and rather long for a boy.
Description: Julien is small and very light, and has an eerily perfect look around him. His doll-like face has innocent looking childish features, but usually carries a mischievous smirk. He has a bit of a large button nose, a small slender mouth, slightly pointed ears and big blue eyes. His limbs are long and slender, giving him an almost mature appearance.
Due to his rich upbringing he's very clean and well groomed, He dresses very nicely, always wearing fine materials and complimenting colors. All his clothes fit him perfectly, and not a stain or wrinkle can be found on him anywhere. His pristine appearance is quite out of place in the neighborhoods he frequents.
Marring Julien's back and left shoulder are several long, ugly scars, from being shoved through a glass window about a year ago. He’d gotten in a row with one of his chums, and it quickly turned violent. Funny thing is the two are still friends after the incident.

Julien wears a locket containing a picture of his father’s first wife, the one Julien called mother.
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Sexuality: He considers himself bisexual, but of course this is a secret from his parents and the noble community.
Personality: Julien, despite his angelic appearance, is a very strange boy. Being raised with his fathers questionable morals, his own moral compass is skewed beyond repair. He's blunt, reckless, sexually promiscuous and a bit manipulative. He's very forthright about his opinions and expects everything to go his way. If not, he gets rather violent and it takes a long time to calm him down once he's upset.
He always seems starved for affection, trying to get way too close to everyone far too fast. When people turn down his advances, citing them as disturbing for a child his age, he completely loses his temper and lashes out at them.
He relies on his servants for everything, since his parents barely deign to look at him. However, he's been known to mistreat the staff of his mansion.
He's very loyal to his friends, but hates his stiff upbringing and neglectful parents. He would certainly die for a chance at an adventure.
.Being told no
.Being ignored
.People who underestimate children
.His tutors

Bio: Julien’s father is a rich noble by the name of Maurice Richard LeFebvre. Although the man is married, he has several affairs with other ladies. One day, one of them left a baby on his doorstep along with an angry letter claiming it was his. Though Maurice wanted to dispose of the child in the orphanage, his wife convinced him to keep the boy, as she desperately wanted a son. So they claimed the child as their own, and not a soul questioned it.

The woman Julien knew as his mother died of tuberculosis when he was only four years old. His father married again, this time to an Italian noblewoman who did not care for children. Ever since then, Julien has been desperately hungry for affection. He did everything he possibly could to get his parent’s attention, up to and including acting out violently. All he learned from this is that the worst things he did worked the best, and his behavior only grew worse.

Eventually word of their son’s odd behavior reached the ears of the noble community, and Julien’s parents sent him to see several doctors, none of which could come up with any explanation other than that he hadn’t been spanked enough as an infant or hadn’t been leeched frequently enough, and other very medically advanced theories.

Julien, bored with his parents’ lack of love for him, turned to the streets to try and make some proper friends. He ended up befriending the local street rats who tried to pick his pockets as he explored the slums. These new pals of his taught him a few tricks, and in turn he gave them money and food.

Eventually word got around to him about the new revolution sparking in the streets of Paris. What better excitement could there be, thought Julien. Without a second thought, he started gathering all the information he could for the side that would likely lead to his parent’s detriment. He became their little inside spy, of a sort. And that’s about all there is to know about our little Julien.
Clothing: He favors a maroon velvet tailcoat with gold buttons and a white cravat, under which he wears a white button down shirt, a black waistcoat and black trousers that are carefully fitted and come up to a bit below his knees. He wears black leather shoes with white silk stockings.
Weapon: His father's dueling sword
Other equipment: He always carries a good deal of francs in his pockets, along with a notebook and quill.

Character Quote: WIP
Theme Song: WIP
Any extra information: WIP