To do that, you'd need to sort through the recesses of my mind to find an applicable character that I think would properly fit the context. I haven't found such a character, and it isn't from lack of quantity.
Superhero like roleplays are similar to sci-fi rolepplays in that it takes very specific circumstances to get my interest. This roleplay caught me at the earliest stage of that interest, but it's not progressing, and I cannot be considered in until I have a suitable character.
edit: i dont know why i didnt think to have a similar conversation between D'ren and Eli, or another member of the Powers That Be/Defense Council, who would have sent D'ren lol
@luna558 Not bad do up her personality more though if all she is is a cold blooded murderer then she likely wouldn't be summoned. Yes she'd have the combat experience but Julia is also seeking someone who can follow orders and can work together as a team or at least be willing to work together in a team. She looks like the kind of person who will try and murder everyone.
@The One I re-edited it and made it more clear that she only kills bad people. I put it in the other that she specifically kills bad people. And I made her be able to see the sins of people on their faces so she can do so.