Alex is not a waifu, he is the holy grail of the waifu war. The prize to be handed to the only remaining waifu.
Alex is not a waifu, he is the holy grail of the waifu war. The prize to be handed to the only remaining waifu.
Alex is not a waifu, he is the holy grail of the waifu war. The prize to be handed to the only remaining waifu.
@Majoras End Nah man, she is going to be put to death.
Waifu war is to determine the new waifu.
Or are you okay with a Harem, @Card Captor?
@Card Captor
How would Alex react if some dickhead assassin chick came up and carved her initials into his wall? Unlikely to happen, given her personality, but hypothetical scenarios are always nice to imagine.
I have no particular plans as far as relationships are concerned.