Wanted to hop on and tell everybody I should be posting tonight when I get home!
Well, abi sure as hell doesn't have one. Oh, and I'm fine with a timeskip if you want to include that too, but I'm also really intrigued to see what Brooks is up to - a missing persons case? In the hotel? I'm suspicious.
If we don't timeskip or there's still time to post I wouldn't mind a collab with capn though, to avoid Abigail steering the conversation all the time (guilty, of course, but I always have so much I want to say!)
Just finished a drawing of Molly which you can find on my Instagram account. Not too keen on spamming the OOC with character sketches, but I'm going to be regularly uploading them on there and I'll let you guys know if I add anything new/ have drawn something specific to the RP.
T has lost it. I repeat T has lost it.
Lies and slander! See!? I got the quote box to work that time!