Name: Anya Miedaas
Age: 19
Gender: Femme
Personality: Mature, stable, and very level headed, Anya is a very laid back spirit. She enjoys quiet and finds loud, brash people to be out of her taste. She can usually find a clear solution in a hectic situation and gives others an honest chance before making judgement. She's not exactly perfect, however, and is just a little superficial. She preferes to surround herself with the most lavish of objects whether it be clothes or foods, all in all she has expensive tastes.
Power/Ability: Gold Manipulation.
Anya carries on her at all times different forms of gold jewelry. She appears an innocent, defenseless woman, and when attacked will turn her jewelry to liquid gold, which can then be used to form a weapon, or used as a projectile. The liquid gold under her command can be split into small balls and used as bullets which can return to her once done and reformed into the jewelry she wears. If surrounded by a lot of gold,
Wings like this and
armor such as this will form around her body, as well as a strong arsenal of gold weapons to use at her disposal. The only time this might happen is in a gold storage center, or perhaps a jewelry store.
Team: (I will give you this)
Extras: Her design is based on a valkyrie theme; without her armor its more of a modern valkyrie.