Freya your cs is , in combination with the surreal reality tied to this rp, what made me want to ask who would enjoy it.
*Rao circles the...[i[boy? No man? Perhaps its better to refer to him as guy. Yes guy.[/i] Rao lifts his head, as if to grant him that inch, not that anyone would have ever thought Flint the shorter of the two. Rao's mohawk made many believe him well over 6 foot, this note matters not. What they would think is Flint was about to be used as a model for a painting, a sculpture, Rao looked as if he was an artist was at work.
"Upon observation I had noticed several things with your ability that draws my interest," The strange tendrils that betray reason grow restless beneath his hoodie, sliding out from his collar one mimics a question mark above his head. "It works well enough, but you seem to lack the ability to directly fixate it. I used an special machine, similar to a spectrometer, to monitor any signals that leave you." The question mark was joined by another that tendril, both shift as if to reach about a foot above his head....They are imitating exclamation marks. "I found no signals that suggest it is not of a normal version of an idea transference common among telepathy. Rather this leads me to speculate that your ability is a special smell or maybe your bodies move in such a pattern as to trigger a response vulnerability in the mind. Perhaps a simple enough twitch that interferes with the brains ability to process rationality and makes it more likely to accept suggestion?" While Rao thought out loud he began to pace, and make notes in the air with his finger. His back faced Flint, making it all to easy for two of his tendrils to move with rather impressive speed. One binding the head the other covering the mouth.....A third appears from the beneath the shirt, with what looks like a knife? As Rao continued to speculate the armed tendril moved ever closer to the right eye of flint?! IT WAS GOING TO CUT OUT HIS EYE SIMPLY TO TEST A THEORY?! Rao turned around, and the tendrils jerked back with a speed that made light jealous...Meaning he had no idea at what had almost taken place. "Flint, May I run some test?"