I'm excited to get rolling, I'll be sure to get a post in today :)
antarctic termite said It's pretty much the same 'try to create a singular ultimate species' idea, except it does so by stealing genes (not sure if that's a thing IRL but it can be here, if you can make it work), stealing the qualities of other organisms and assimilating them... Or like a virus, that tries to assert its own DNA over other species (absolutely no idea how that would work). All I'm thinking about is that it doesn't leave much for the entity itself to do, seeing as the species manages its own DNA either way. :|Ed: Ok so I lost computer access halfway thtough a post, and it'll be up either within a few hours or tomorrw morning. Everyone just keep doing whatever it is you think you're doing. You can grow a further +5% if you so desire.
yoshua171 said
Oh yeah, I also plan to have an organism (at some point) which has traits that are both plant-like and animal-like in nature. It should be intriguing to see if I can end up with such a result after a good while~
Kyelin said Wow, I'm amazed how much variety there is in the species already. This is absolutely fascinating, probably my favorite RP right now.And on a side note, I did two years of microbiological science, specializing in viral parisitology. So I will be silently judging you all >:3
Draexzhan said Bleat
Soulserenity20 said Oh wise GM, how long would you like is to wait between posts? :)
Soulserenity20 said Bleat
yoshua171 said Bleat
marcopolonian said Am I allowed to use 15% influence immediately, or should I wait until my second post to do so? Sorry for taking so long to post.
Kyelin said Hope I didn't post prematurely.I'm not too sure how enhancements work still. Is it entirely up to us being reasonable with evolutionary steps, or do you approve enhancements and make sure the game stays balanced?