"Looks like we have an interesting batch this year," said Zaccar watching the group ",Maybe it won't be so bad after all."
"Ah but there aren't many boy toys to play with," Lucatiel said with a giggle while Zaccar rolled his eyes.
"Sure that's what you need, a new boyfriend to mess with," Zaccar joked ",Come on we can beat the other wolves to the dinning hall if we are fast enough and make sure they don't do anything stupid or cause trouble."
Zaccar and Lucatiel over the years had claimed the alpha position of the werewolves in the school. Granted there was no official pack on school grounds of any form but the other wolves had learned to obey Zaccar and Lucatiel rather then face there wraith and agitation. Plus there family history helped them, having your father be one of the most infamous and terrifying werewolves to lives was an added perk though they wanted nothing of that life. Merely to keep the werewolves in the school from bothering students.
"Ah but there aren't many boy toys to play with," Lucatiel said with a giggle while Zaccar rolled his eyes.
"Sure that's what you need, a new boyfriend to mess with," Zaccar joked ",Come on we can beat the other wolves to the dinning hall if we are fast enough and make sure they don't do anything stupid or cause trouble."
Zaccar and Lucatiel over the years had claimed the alpha position of the werewolves in the school. Granted there was no official pack on school grounds of any form but the other wolves had learned to obey Zaccar and Lucatiel rather then face there wraith and agitation. Plus there family history helped them, having your father be one of the most infamous and terrifying werewolves to lives was an added perk though they wanted nothing of that life. Merely to keep the werewolves in the school from bothering students.